Baby Shower(39)

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Walking into my house I let out a sigh taking in the cool air while Mona ran up to her room. It was to hot out today. Started sweating soon as we stepped off the plane. Being lifted up I squealed as Chris chuckled kissing my cheek.

"Standing in front of the door like I'm not out there dying." he placed me down walking into the kitchen. "I got someone to show us some houses tomorrow. What kind of house were you thinking of?"

"Not to big but big. I want the pool and big yard, dinning room and a room for like just adults, spacious bedrooms, a dance room for me to practice and a theater." I've always had an idea of my dream house.

"Alright we will look into those." we sat in front of the tv watching some old looney toons episodes. "What we getting into today tho?"

"Rebecca and Carlton baby shower is tonight babe. It's a costume theme."

"A theme baby shower?"

"Yes I'm gonna be Kim Kardashian and Mona wants to be North so....guess who you are?" I straddle his lap poking his cheeks.

"The dude that stays home?"

"Baby no it's gonna be so cute trust me." I kiss his lips quickly twice before trying to get up.

He flipped us resting his head on my breast laying between my legs. Fake snoring he squeezed me. I squealed making him chuckle and motor boat my chest. I was starting to get excited and let a small moan slip. He looks surprised and started kissing and licking around the top of my breast. Pulling down the tank top I was wearing he groaned at the sight of my nipple and instantly put it in his mouth. His lips made a pop when they came off me. Kissing me he still pulls and twist on my exposed boob.

"Mommy!" Mona came running down.

We straighten up quick as we could just before she stood in front of us. "Yes baby?"

"Im hungry." she sat on Chris lap. "Daddy what's that?"

He quickly lifted her up off him. "it's ️um my phone."

"No that's your phone." she pointed to his iPhone sitting on my coffee table.

"I mean my wallet."


"Alright lets get food." he went chasing her in the kitchen. "Thanks for the help babe."
I came over to the place where Rebecca was having her baby shower early to help set up. She's glowing more and more every time I see her. Isabel just showed up. "Hey big sis."

"Hi beauties. What's can I do?"

"Um you could help blow up those balloons or hang up the streamers." Becca drank her water bottle sitting.

She's been up and moving since I got here. I tried getting her to relax and sit but little miss do it all herself wasn't having it. So now she got swollen feet.

"So when's the divorce party?" I smirked.

"I'm not divorcing him Cam. We're this out. He's gonna stay with his brother for a while to give me some space." She sighed putting center pieces on the tables.

"Good idea but I'm still gonna beat his ass when I see him."

"That's fine with me he deserves it. Anyway what costume are we wearing tonight? I'm gonna be a sexy race car driver and Julian will be my little pit stop man." she did a little dance.

"Me and Carlton are gonna be Omarion and Apryl Jones at the BET Awards when she was pregnant." Rebecca smiled clapping.

"So cute! Me Chris and Mona will be the West family." I smirked.

"Oh my god that is gonna be so cute! If there isn't anyone better you guys will defiantly will best costume. I have so many games for us to play its gonna be awesome."

Fixing my hair I rubbed my belly. I had my costume on looking mighty good if I say so myself. Carlton was looking so cute and handsome. Putting a chain over his neck he did the cutest smile making me blush giggling. "You look great baby."

"And you look beautiful. You ready to go?"

"Yes I can't wait to see everyone's costumes this was the best idea."

"Of course it is the smartest most beautiful woman came up with it. Lets go before were late to our own party."

When we arrived the place was almost crowded. All our family and friends were here. The place was decorated to perfection looking incredible. Everyone yelled surprise as we walk in and different cameras flash us. Cam and Isabel came over with a crown that said "babymomma" putting it on my head. Carlton kissed me before walking off towards the men.

They started passing around cigars going out back. "Uh men. Come on momma we gonna show you off then we'll get some food inside you and finally start some games." Isabel took my hand.

I got to see my family friends from high school. My mom walks over. "I wish I knew it was a theme. Who are you suppose to be?"

"Apryl Jones and Carlton is Omarion."

"Oh that's beautiful. Here's my gift." she kissed my cheek as my father came up drink in hand like always. "I made him come."

"Mom he wasn't invited. I know what you are trying to do but you can't force him. When he is ready to be my father and a grandfather then he can come to me like a man on his own and we will talk things out."

"I hope your not holding your breath waiting on that." he mumbled sipping his glass.

"Trust me I'm not. Since me and my boyfriend paid for all of this including the drink in your hand....ill take that please leave my party or I will have someone show you out." I snatched the drink from him taking my moms arm walking away.

"Your father will come around sweetie trust me." she rubbed my hand.

"I wouldn't count on it mom."

We all sat in the back smoking on cigars talking about Carlton new upcoming life. A lot of their new friends with kids were here including shad or Bow Wow who I haven't seen in a minute. His daughter and Mona were around the same age. It wasn't to many kids here.

"Y'all think of names yet?" I asked letting smoke come out my mouth.

"Yeah I just found out we having a little nigga so I was thinking keeping the C thing going. Caleb was my choice then Becca was saying Charlie." he rolled his eyes.

"Da fuck!?"

"I know."

Our girls came out handing plates to their other. Cam stacked my plate. "after everyone is done eating the games are gonna start. Are you gonna play any?"

"I wouldn't count on it." I licked the BBQ sauce from the meatballs off my fingers.

"Please baby just one game." she pouts.

"Ight one game and it better not be some girly shit either." she jumped kissing me. "Tell daddy what I like to hear." I mumbled on her lips.

"te amo papà." she whispered biting my lip. (I love you daddy)

I grunt watching her switch those hips back inside.

"Damn it's like y'all never separated. This going good I see?" Carlton smirked as Rebecca hands him a plate kissing his cheek and going back in.

"Yeah it's great we're officially back together...again."

Mona came out looking so adorable. "Daddy can I have some?" She points to my beer.

"No baby this is for adults."

"But she gets some." she whine pointing to shad giving his daughter some of his. She pouts with her lips out looking up at me.

"Ok but don't tell mommy." she took it back shaking her head making a face. "you don't like it?"

"No it nasty!" She ran back in.

Later the games started and like I promised I played one of them. I ended up winning to got a one hundred dollar gift card to the IPic theater. I told Cam I planned on using it with her for a date night. They went on opening gifts after.

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