Bonus:hospital visit

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Stirring in my sleep I kept hearing a ringing tone. Chris held me tight still holding me with his head in my stomach. The ringing stopped and I relaxed again only for it to start up again.

I reach over squinting at the bright screen seeing Rebecca was calling. "Hello?"

"Cam what the fuck is it really that hard for you to wake up!?"

"Bec it's three in the morning. Who's dying that you calling me this early?" I whisper as Chris squeezed me tighter.

"Mona had a allergic reaction to something we're at the hospital right now and she's probably gonna wake up soon so you and Chris need to get down here now." She spoke low and calm.

My heart stopped as I jumped up making Chris fall out the bed. He jumped up started swinging. Rolling my eyes I went back to getting dressed. "Stop just standing there and put some damn clothes on Chris lets go!

After he got dressed I grabbed the keys to one of his cars throwing them to him. Speed down the empty streets I tried to keep calm and not let the tears get to me. What could she had allergic reaction to if she's only allergic to peanuts? Rebecca and Carlton know this and wouldn't give it to her. Unless they didn't know but she knows she's not suppose to have them. I swerve into a space jumping out running into the hospital.

"Mona Cisneros please hurry."

The lady popped her bubble gum looking me up and down. "Excuse me but can you back up some I need my space."

Cocking my head I went to jump at her but someone caught me mid air. Turning it was Carlton. "Come on she's no help at all."

He took me and Chris to her room where she laid. "Oh my god my baby." I rushed to her side. "Did they say what she's was allergic to is it something new?"

"No it was peanuts but I don't know how she got peanuts we all know she's allergic. It happen while she was sleep they said it's good we got to her when we did because her throat was starting to swell." Rebecca said rocking a sleeping Elias. "I'm really sorry cam I just feel like it's my fault since she was with us."

"It's not your fault. I just wanna know how she got peanuts."

"You mommy." She whispered looking up at me.

"What I didn't give you peanuts baby."

"In the sand which."

Thinking back I went over what I put on her sandwich. I thought it was Nutella. I must've grabbed the peanut butter in accident and just didn't notice. "Why didn't you tell me I gave you peanuts?"

"I liked it." Smiling I cuddle her close. "I sorry mommy."

"No no I'm sorry it's my fault I'm so so so so sorry baby I didn't mean to give you that. You forgive me?" She nods hugging me.

Chris came over kissing her head. Rebecca and Carlton left a little after since Eli was getting fussy. We spent the rest of the night in the hospital bed watching old looney toons episodes. "Hey did you tell her the news?" Chris asked.

"Oh not really. Baby I have something to tell you." Mona looked up at me. "Well uh you remember how Elias was in aunt becca stomach?"

"Yes. You have baby in you mommy?"

"Yes your gonna be a big sister pumpkin." She smiled wide covering her face giggling and blushing.

"You excited lil bit?"

"Yes! I want little sister so we can play."

"Well daddy wants a boy. I'll be way out numbed if mommy has a girl. What about daddy?" Chris and chuckled as she just shrugged her shoulders and went back to the TV.

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