Night in(17)

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Chris helped me inside his house. I got ten stiches in my thigh and in my arm five. Of course I told my manager what happen. The company did say they are going to fire her, I'm getting a paid leave for a week and they sent a goodie basket filled with treats.

"You good right here?" He sat me on the stool in the kitchen.

"Yeah can I have some water?"

He nods getting a glass and cold bottle. "I was thinking Chinese for dinner...that cool with you?"

I nod. Today's events just blew my entire mood. I do t want to do anything, I don't wanna talk to anyone I just want to be alone. "Can I go up to one of the guest rooms?"

"Uh yeah I'll call you when the food is ready."

He helped me up the stair case and into the room closest to them. I laid on the bed with my left leg up. Turning on the tv I flip threw channels settling on reruns of Bring It.

Miss D is like my idol. Not only is she a kick ass dancer and teacher but she's a mix of sour and sweet. She teaches these girls real life lessons. They were in the middle of a stand battle and Kayla threw my all time favorite stand. I instantly got excited sitting up cheering like I'm there.

"Yesssss kill it! Fuck it up!" They hit that double chair split and I just lost it. Of course they won there no doubt the other team even had a chance.

I ended up falling asleep in the middle of the show. unfortunately I didn't get to keep my eyes closed for long. My ringing phone woke me up. Reaching over I see it was Rebecca.

"Cammy I miss you boo!" She yelled making me pull the phone from my ear. "How's the big apple treating you?"

"Uh it was pretty cool until today." I close my eyes relaxing with the phone sitting on my stomach on speaker.

"Oh no what happen?"

"This psyco jealous bitch attacked me."

"Oh really? What's her name?"

"Some ghetto shit Rocsi." She started yelling and cursing in French. "Ay what's up you know her to?"

"Yeah that's the hoe that tried stealing Chris while yall was together. He might not remember her but I sure do. I almost flew out there to beat the trick ass."

"Yeah well I already did that. She came at me sideways after a class u had just finished talking I caused the death of her baby and took the love of her life then was talking some disrespectful shit to Mona. I clocked her chin and the scary bitch kicked me with her heels and slam me into the mirror."

She did some breaths. "Are you ok?"

"I got stiches in my thigh and arm but I'm fine. I got a paid leave from the activities I was suppose to do the week and the company sent a goodie basket." I sigh turning in my side. "I already order a restraining order on her so I'm not gonna worry about dealing with her."

"Man I wish I could just...hurt her." I heard Carlton in the back saying something that made her smack her lips. "You ain't my daddy nigga and where the hell are my pistachios!? What you doing Cammy?" She went from pissed to happy in a second.

"Uh just laying down today just put a damper on my entire mood. I was suppose to go out with Chris tonight but that's not gonna happen.

"Aw no you have to. I want my favorite couple back together. We only did one double date and it was eh ok. You guys were so cute together."

Rolling my eyes I blushed. "Whatever. Enough of me what's up back home?"

"Well nothing much really. I have some news though." she giggled. "guess."

"Bitch I am not in the mood for that guessing shit." I groan.

"Don't bitch me bitch I will fly out there and kick that ass don't play with me girl. Shut the hell up Carlton I am calm and I still don't have my damn nuts nigga the fuck are you even doing in the damn kitchen!?" She popped off. "No you know what Carlton just leave get out the house just leave because your pissing me off. Like seriously I could literally bite your damn head off."

Looking at the phone I made sure this was my Rebecca. "Uh becca?"

"Huh oh sorry I just um.....I'm pregnant Cam."

"Ah really oh my god I'm gonna be aunty again!" I squealed bouncing. "Congrats boo. Hang in there Carlton!"

The carry out just got here. Mona got her shrimp fried rice picked out all the shrimp and gave it to me. I got my ten chicken wings with salt and pepper fries. Cam got some fried wontons with some hot and sour soup. to spend some family time I took all the food to the theater room.

"Can we eating in the theater." I walk in the room seeing her pretending to be sleep. Smirking I lean over kissing her neck.

"Woah that is not how you wake someone up from a nap sir."

"Yeah yeah get up lazy ass." I pick her up in my arms.

"Wow your strong." She slapped my chest. "Oh guess what?"

We walk into the theater and I sat her in one of the chairs. "What?"

"Our best friends are having a baby!"

"Oh shit foreal. That's awesome I hope sis ain't killing my boy yet." I went to put in the movie. I chops Grown Ups.

"To late she tore him a new one over some pistachios. It was to funny but he handled it so well."

"Were you like that with Mona?"

"No I was such a punk. I cried over everything it was so annoying." She chuckled opening her soup. Dipping her soup in blowing and taking it in her mouth.
Mona was passed out in one of the theater chairs. Me and Camila stayed up having some beers and just talking.

"What was she like as a baby?"

"She wasn't a cry all night baby she mostly slept for the first few months. She wasn't any trouble." she sipped her can.

"I really wish I could've been there. Seeing her first smile or steps, hearing her first words. You wouldn't happen to have that stuff on video?"

"I have this one of me about to feed her. she was being so silly. All the others are on my laptop. I'll send them to you." she giggled pulling the small blanket up more on her body. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course speak you mind babe."

She blushed. "What's your favorite memory of us before the accident?"

I smiled one instantly coming to mind. "Probably when we went to the carnival I think it was the day before graduation. You didn't stop smiling. We got funnel cakes and cotton candy rode every single ride. The while thing was about to close when we got on the fairest wheel. It stopped at the top where we looked out the entire parking lot of the mall with a full moon sitting deadass right in front of us. Now we agreed not to say "I love you" until we were absolutely sure so being the corny nigga I am. I held your hand looked into eyes and said...."I'm in like with you". You laughed way to hard for my liking but kissed me pretty good so I let it go."

She blushed giggling covering her face. "That does sound amazing."

"Wanna know my second?" I bit my lip catching her eyes. She nods holding the blanket up over her nose just letting me see her eyes. "You performed for me then laid the best pussy I'll ever have in my life!"

"Oh my god Chris." she completely covered herself.

"Yup that's what you were yelling."

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