Mrs Samantha(13)

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"Alright line up!" I blow my whistle getting all the kids attention. "We gonna start with a few laps then get into some scooter ball."

I've been working as the co gym teacher at my old middle school for about two years now. Working with my dad wasn't going well at all. He's such a perfectionist so if the slightest thing goes wrong or is t done the way he wants he throws a little tantrum. I wasn't about to deal with that.

I quick after only six months. I got a job at the Nike store at our closest mall. I caught up with my old coach he told me about needing a co teacher and I just jumped at the opportunity. I still work at the Nike place just after school hours.

Watching them run I got a text from my baby.

Babymama👶💗:I hav an appointment with my doctor at six can you make it

We agreed that going to the doctor and getting her pregnancy test done there before we really got excited and start telling people was best.

"Yeah babe I'll pick you up when I'm done here." I spoke the text pressing send.

They ran two more before I start bringing out those tiny ass scooters, the goal nets and a ball. Letting them catch their breaths and get some water I set everything up feeling my phone vibrate again.

Babymama👶💗:ok I was hoping you say that b4 I forget can you get me some black berries on your way please💋💋

Chuckling I send a sure then get the kids ready to play.
Waiting in this small ass room was nerve racking. Rebecca has been playing with her fingers breathing slow since her doctor took the cup leaving to get the results.

"What if I'm not?" She whispered in sure more to herself. "What if I am? I wanna be a good mom it to soon for me to have a kid? Am I ready for all of this?"

Standing in front I pull her into me. rubbing her back she started crying.

"What if the baby gets sick after birth or ends up with a disability? What if I died...."

"Ok you can shut up now. Your stressing yourself out baby." kissing her head I rock us slowly. "No matter what happens I'm here. If we don't have a kid then we don't that's not a problem. If we do that baby will be loved in any shape or form it comes in. He or she will have the best mother ever."

She blushed resting her head in mine. "Tell me everything will be ok...and I'll believe it."

Lifting her head looking in her eyes. "Everything will be not just ok but great. I love you becca."

"I love you to." As we shared a deep kiss the door opens.

"So I have your results here. Have you two. Considered if you are not pregnant?" She asked looking up from her clip board.

"Yes rather its a yes or no we will walk out together happy." Becca heldy hand tight taking a breath.

"Alright well in that note I have good news. You are two weeks pregnant congratulations both of you. I'll be back with a few forms for you to take and then you can leave." she smiled walking out.

Rebecca was quiet. A little to quiet for me considering how loud she actually is. "Baby you ok?" I held her head as she cried with her eyes closed.

She grabbed my hand smiling. "Were gonna have a baby."

Handing the money to the cab man I hop out looking up at the house surrounded by trees. Walking up to the front door I knock picking up Mona.

"I hungry mommy." she whined laying her head on my shoulder.

"Ok baby we'll eat after we leave here. You want pizza?" She nods as the door opens. "Hi is ms Samantha here?"

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