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Rubbing my temples I mentally screamed at myself. If I knew this would be the outcome Id left the little twat at some random gas station.

"I want mommy!!" She kicked and screamed. "I want daddy!!"

"Trust me so do I. Soon as your daddy dumps your mommy for me we all can be a happy family and pretend all of this never happened. Don't you want me to give you a little brother or sister?"

She frowned sticking her tongue out at me. "No!"

"Find then you just sit there...ungrateful little rat." I push a bowl of unflavored oatmeal and a small water bottle to her. "Eat it then your going to bed."

"No!" She pushed the bowl making it shatter on the floor.

"Uh this is starting to not be worth your sexy daddy. He better propose on sight." I picked up the pieces. Picking up a clothe I threw it at her. "Here you clean up your mess."


"What did you call me?"

"Bitch." she mumbled again.

"That's it I'm done being nice to you clearly I can't be the fun step mom so I'll have to be a evil step mom." I pick up a little of the oatmeal throwing it in her face. "Your nothing but a dirty little cunt."

She cried trying to wipe it off her face and climb out the high chair I put her in. She did this annoying high pitch scream making my ears ring. "I hate you!"

"Trust me I hate you to when me and your daddy are married you will never see him again."




Losing it I pushed the chair. She screamed holding her arm. Damn it I didn't mean for that to happen. Now he'll be upset on our honeymoon. I helped her up only for her to kick me and bite my hand running off somewhere in this big ass log cabin.

Mona*third person*
She ran up the long stairs one at a time thanks to her small legs. She was already out of breath and her arm hurt. This lady took her from her mommy and daddy. She hated the clown looking lady and just wanted to go home.

Going into the closest room she locked the door put the trash can and small stool against it with her good arm.

"Mona get out here right now!" The mean clown lady yelled.

She quickly ran to the closet closing the door hiding behind the long coats. She had a phone with her. Her mommy always told her if she got in trouble call the special number to get the men in blue to help her. She dialed the special number.

"9-1-1 what's is your emergency?"

I want my baby back. I want my daughter back! She is an angel why would anyone want to take her from me.

Because of the history of kidnapping with me the cops instantly focused on the three that took me. They had them all in different questioning rooms.

"Do you know this child?" The detective asked Rocsi.

"Yeah that's Camila's daughter. Is that why I'm here because I could care less about the bitch or her bastard kid."

This bitch is asking for a ass beating. Chris held me rubbing my arms. He kissed my neck trying to relax me. "Calm down baby. Were gonna find her."

"How the lady that took her was wearing a wig we don't know what she actually looks like. What if we never get her back." I was starting to cry yet again. This is the worst thing that can happen to me.

"Don't think like we have to stay positive. I lost you once and I got you back....I'm not about to lose my daughter the same way."

I honestly have been so selfish this whole time. Only thinking of myself when this is Chris second time going through a kidnapping of someone. First his girlfriend and now his daughter. I can't even imagine how he's feeling. He's been so supportive making sure I'm ok putting my feelings before his own. Hugging him I kissed his cheek.

"Your right. I'm sorry for not thinking about your feelings in this situation. I'm selfish for that."

He smiled kissing my head. "I'm fine just making sure your ok."

"No I didn't take the girl my kidnapping days are over trust me." The other chick Meagan I think told the detective. She was recently let out of prison for good behavior. How she got time and Rocsi didn't still bugs me.

"She's a looker...sexy little thing but no I didn't take her. I mean I have people that could since I'm still doing sometime but nah I didn't do it." Davon smirked looking back to the one way window. He's still doing time for what he did to me and fighting in the prison. "Hey Cammy baby you made a beautiful child. Let me know when she hits eighteen I should be out of the joint by then."

I shivered walking away. I haven't seen him since that day and I still don't remember him completely. The cops told me he was the master mind of my incident but that's all I know about him.

When their interviews was over they all were taken away. We sat in one of the detectives office. "We are searching all over. We will find your child."

Chris just held me tighter. A lady barges in out of breath. "Sir we have a lead." we wall rush out following her. "We got a call from a house phone. It was a little voice."

"Ok sweetie I need you to repeat your whole name and age for me one more time ok." The operator says calmly as my heart raced.

"Mona Violeta Cisneros 3."

"Oh my god that's her that's my daughter."

"Can you tell me where you are a lot of people are looking for you."

"I don't know."

"Do you know who you are with?"

"Blue clown lady." Clown lady?

"Um clown lady?"

"She got blue and purple hair."

I'm gonna kill that bitch.

Do Better:the sequel[completed]Where stories live. Discover now