Family Day(43)

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Dribbling down the court I point to Carlton tell him to cross over to the other side. Sweat dripping from the half hour we've been out here in the sun. The other guys we been playing with (pause) were still trying their best even though they were terrible. It was like balling with kids.

We decided to come out to the park for a little picnic with our girls and Isabel. I heard about what Andrew did to her and just couldn't believe it. They were my goal couple. Married with a kid and actually truly happy. I guess things aren't always how they seem. At the end of the game we went to the little hut where the girls were making lunch. We got some hand sanitizer before sitting.

Kissing Cam I sat next to Mona who had BBQ sauce all over her face. "You one messing eater." she giggled. Cam sat my plate in front of me. "Thank you baby."

"So guys were gonna be having a house warming party for our new place next week. Just a heads up so don't make any plans." Camila told them as she sat with her own plate.

"Nice its a big house?" Carlton asked with a mouth full before chugging half of his beer and burping.

"Ew Carlton." Rebecca hit his arm making him glare at her.

"Yeah it's pretty big my queen picked it out." I smiled at Cam. "I already got one of the best house decorators working on the place. We going to see it tomorrow."

"Cool so yall trynna do something or..."

"Maybe you should do a cook out or a all white party since it is summer." Isabel suggested picking at her potato salad.

"Yes all white it'll be perfect!" Rebecca clapped getting super excited then let out a deep loud burp. "Oh my god."

"Damn that was sexy." Carlton grunts making her blush shoving him. "But yeah a all white party sounds dope."

"Great then it's settled. Now all we need to do is plan it. Well need a Dj, someone to cater, decorations." Cam went down starting to take out her phone.

I snatched it up putting it in my pocket. "Later baby it's family time." she glared at me rolling her eyes.

"Don't snatch my shit Christopher I will hurt you."

"Woah attitude bring it down momma." I chuckled but she didn't find anything funny.

"Whatever how would you feel if I took something of yours. I'll answer for you pissed. You would be pissed so don't be surprised when I am pissed at you for snatch my phone out my hand like I'm a child. News flash I'm not!"

We all sat just starting at her.

"Um I'm sorry I was just playing baby."

"Sure you were cause that's all you do. joking all day everyday note that's what got my daughter looking like a damn rugby player."

"It's just a scratch Camila and it's not that big." Isabel spoke looking at her sideways.

"I'm sorry are you Christopher Washington!? No right yeah because I was talking to Chris. I'm sick of everyone looking at me like I'm crazy!" She stood storming away.

"Oooh daddy in trouble." Mona broke the silence with her laughing.

"What the hell was that?"

"I don't know but you should go find out." Rebecca said pointing across the park at Cam sitting on the swings.

Standing I walked over. When close enough I saw she was crying. "Baby?"

"Yes." she whispered kicking her feet slowly making the swing move a little.

Stepping in front I stop it from moving all together. "Look at me Mily." She slowly lifts her head showing a tear running down her face. Sighing I wipe it. "So we gonna talk about you blowing up at me and Isabel just a few seconds ago?"

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine babe but what's up?" I squat down since she wasn't trying look up at me. "Did I do something?" She shook her head. "Are you mad at me?" Again shook her head. "Was it really about the phone?" Again another shaking head.

"I don't know why I did that."

"Well I'm sorry I was just joking here." I hand her the phone. "Do you need a moment?" She nods. "Want me to leave?" She shook her head. sighing I sit in the swing next to her and grab her hand. "I love you Cam."

She blushed wiping her face. "I love you to."

Walking in the bowling alley we bought two lanes and got our shoes. After my little scene and calming down we finished lunch on a better vibe. Ice cream followed and now bowling which was Julian's idea.

"Alright how we playing? Girls vs guys?" Carlton went to set up with names.

"Yeah!" Juilan jumped. "We gonna crush the girls."

"Uh you can't hurt your own mommy." he went hugging Isabel then went back to the guys.

Before the game starts I went to get a couple of snacks. Personal pineapple pizza, chilly dog, large soda and small popcorn. I carry the tray back sitting as my mouth waters.

"Oh thanks babe." Chris tried reaching for my chilly dog. I quickly slap his hand away. "That's all for you?"

"Yes!" I say mouth full.

"What happen to watching your figure?" Carlton mumbled.

I stopped eating setting it to the side. He was right I don't know what made me get all of that. We start the game playing all the way through. It was fun ending in a tie. After the game we said our goodbyes heading to our separate homes.

I give Mona her bath and in her pjs. Chris tucks her in and reads her a short story. I was just getting out the shower about to wash my face. As I'm opening the apricot wash my stomach starts to turn. I snif it and gag running to the toilet throwing up everything I ate today.

"Babe you good?" Chris came pulling back my hair.

Crying I shook my head. He ran a face clothe under warm water and help me up. I brush my teeth and head to bed.

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