Late talks (49)

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After leaving the party I sent Andrew a text asking him to meet me at the 24hr mcdonalds. We are about to get everything set straight right now. I thought having him away alone with his thoughts would straighten him up making him realize what he's doing to what we've built. Clearly he doesn't care unless that side thing of his was just starting shit.

I really really don't like that bitch. Who purposely tries to tear a family apart. Her while reason coming back in town was to get him again and seeing he was happily married with s kids means nothing to her. She has no self respect and is nothing more of a slimy rotten piece of shit.

"Hey baby I miss you so much." He tried coming up hugging me. I stiff arm him with the same hard face I've had since his little "friend" showed up. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't come here for some kind of reunion. We agreed on you going to your brothers to get yourself together."

"I know baby and I realized I made a mistake cheating on you." He grabbed my hand looking in my eyes.

"Bullshit tell me the truth right now Andrew." I punch his chest. "And I swear if you don't I will kick you lying ass."

"Ok ok I did have Lisa there with me for a while but I don't want her I want you and Julian. I want our family back."

I bitterly chuckle. "You are the biggest piece of shit!"


"No shut the hell up because I honestly hate you right now I hate you! That little slimy slut showed up at Camila and Chris house party tonight. She claims you want to divorce me and start a family with her oh and my favorite part she's pregnant. Your side hoe wants me and Julian out life and said you agree with her. Is that true Andrew."

"No I never said that baby I swear and that bitch ain't pregnant. We fucked once and I wore a condom and pulled out you are the only woman I see myself having kids with. I'm so sorry Isabel I never meant for any of this. It was just suppose to be old friends catching up but she seduced me." He held my waist trying to get me to look at him.

"I don't believe you....I don't. You cheated and lied willingly giving up your family and just stepping on our vows. Did you ever consider what her true intentions were?" I started tearing up pushing him away. The last thing I need is him seeing me at my weakest. "You need to put that bitch in her place and come home so we can properly work this out."

"I will baby I promise I'm so so so sorry." He held me.

Stepping out the bathroom I pat my hair. The party went smooth everything was cool. I'm tired as hell.

"Baby we need to talk about something." Cam got in bed after me sitting facing me.

"Ight lay it on me before my eyes close for the night."

"Ok so at the party a guy from world of dance came up to me. He told me they want me part of their dance tour. I'll teach and perform its like the greatest thing to happen for my career."

"That's great baby. Will they be ok with you doing it another time?" I relax in the bed.

"What are you talking about? I'm going all I needed to talk about is getting a nanny or sitter for Mona since you'll probably be working a lot with you up coming projects." I look over at her. "I was looking on they have some good ladies so we should call up a few to interview them."

"Uh Cam did you forget your pregnant?"

"No I was there when I told you." She chuckled getting out the bed over to our mirror. "It's gonna be so much fun."

"Baby you should be taking it easy not going on tours and shit. Knowing you will try to make a big impression and go hard as hell and that's not good for the baby. I'm happy for you baby but I'm just not for you doing this." I said sitting up.

"Uh your just like Rebecca. I know my strengths Christopher I know how to take care of myself while with child I'll be fine."

"Ok so you've already made up your mind about doing this what was the point in telling me?"

"So we can find someone to watch our daughter duh." She chuckled getting in bed. "Goodnight."

"Um no we still talking. You really are just gonna go against what I say?"

"Yes I don't agree with you and it's my life. If I want to do this I will only reason you know any of this is because of Mona. Your gonna be busy with your stuff why should I just sit at home?" She sat up arms crossed giving me a hard stare.

"No one said you'd have to stay home you can still do classes here. I'm just looking out for our child growing in you."

"Ok and what about me?"

"Of course I'm looking out for you to babe. A tour just isn't for you right now." She got out of bed going to storm out. I got to the door before her standing in front of it. "No no stay in here."

"Why so you can tell me how to live my life I'm not a child Christopher!" She pushed me.

"I know that and I'm not telling you how to live your life. I'm all for you making your career grow even more just maybe later." I spoke calm and low to keep this from turning into a big fight.

"Oh miss me with that bull you just don't want me doing anything unless I'm right by your side like some lost puppy or groupie. Do you remember our first date in New York?"

"Yes what does that-"

"Ok so you remember how I told you I didn't want to get in a relationship because of being held back. What about you saying that you'd never try to hold me back from what I want to do?"

"Yes I remember all of that and I still feel that way. Your career is just as important to you as mine is to me. All I'm saying is this is not the right time for that. I don't want anything to happen to you." I tried grabbing her but she pushed me away making me roll my eyes. "Cam this is being made way bigger than it needs."

"I know and it's your fault trying to keep me here. I don't need your approval to do anything!"

"When your carrying my child id say otherwise but again I'm not trying to control you. Your so focused on yourself just leaving the thought of anyone else in the dust. I don't want anything to happen to you!"

"Nothing is going to happen to me and I'm going in that your rather cool with it or not. Your not the only one you can have a super great job!" She pushed pass storming out slamming the door behind her.

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