Tell her(2)^carlton

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"Shit when is he gonna be here?" Rebecca started pacing with her hands in her hair. "He's gonna see her but she's not gonna remember him oh and then Mona. Carlton he has a daughter and doesn't even know!"

"Baby calm down before she comes out here. He's gonna be here early tomorrow morning. He is going to meet with whoever he's here for visit his store and the Swizz academy out here then call me to hang out."

"Ok well just avoid any place Cam might go."

"That might be hard. Why don't we just convince her dad to tell her and then we'll bring them together."

She rolled her eyes sighing. Mr Cisneros was never really one of my favorite people even from the beginning. But when they came back with Cam and told us we couldn't tell Chris she's ok and that she's having his child he instantly was put on my "fuck you" list.

He set her up on a different blind date for almost a year before once again she told him she doesn't want an arranged life. I'm glad that part of her didn't change.

Talking with Chris got hard especially when we spend so much time with Mona and Cam. He was so down and just not himself for months before I convince him to at lease try to move on. Now the nigga got a girl every month. I just hope his visit goes by smooth.

Laughing at Mona giggling the lady finished her face paint. "Look mommy."

"That's so pretty baby. You having fun?"

"Yessss!" She jumped. "Your turn mommy."

Smiling I took the seat picked out my design and let the lady paint. The party was going by really smooth. We played hide and seek, catch the stars and musical chairs in the basement before all the kids got ballon animals from the clown and their faces painted.
Everyone finished eating the face painters and clown had already left so it was time for cake and ice cream. I had everyone gather around her and Carlton bring in the cake. We sang happy birthday to her and she blew out her candle.

"I want big mommy."

"Ok baby." I cut her a medium slice and put our favorite ice cream strawberry on the side. As everyone is eating their cake Isabel Andrew and Julian came in. "Well look who finally showed up."

"Hi aunt Cam. Happy birthday Mona." ju-ju hugged us both before grabbing a plate with cake on it.

I hug my sister and brother in law. "feliz cumpleaños de la mariquita." she kissed Mona handing me her gift.

"gracias campana tía."

"Her Spanish is great." we went into the kitchen. "So how are you momma?"

"Tired." I pour us some wine. Its our thing now to have a glass whenever we get together. "I have two classes tomorrow heels and mommy and me. But they both are in the afternoon so I'll be able to sleep in a little after everyone leaves and cleaning is done."

"Looks like everything turned out good tho. Cute face paint."

"Thanks. So what's been up with you?"

"Nothing Julian is starting school early because my baby is a genius. Drew is working and so am I. Nothing much has changed."

Nodding I sip on my wine. A few parents came over thanking me for the invite. It wasn't many kids left so it was getting quieter.

"So uh you talk to mom or dad lately since the divorce?"

"Mom I talked to this morning since she's out of town. She gave Mona her gift before she left. She got her tickets to see Dora live." Mona flipped when mom gave them to her it was so cute.

"Ok what about dad."

I sighed. "Not much. After I told him again that an arranged anything just isn't for me he became very distant but he did send Mona a gift. I'm upset that he's still a jackass but I can't really be to bad since he's always been that way you know?"

"Yeah he's upset with me to right now. I wanna tell someone something very very important but in his mind keeping this information from them will keep them safe in his words."

"If it's as important as you think you won't give a damn what he says and just tell them."

She looked at me smiling oddly. "Your right. I love you Camila everything I do is because of love....ok?"

"Uh yeah but why you tell me that?"

We both place our glasses down. "well-"

"Mommy mommy can I open presents?" Mona ran in pulling on my hand.

"We'll talk later."

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