Telling Him(47)

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Seeing little Elias I thought about the little one cooking in my oven. I'm gonna have another baby.This was Rebecca first day home with Eli so me and Mona came over for the day and hang with them. He is so cute and such a good baby no fits or tantrums.

"I never knew being a mom would feel like this. Every second I have to spend with him near him holding him." Rebecca went on holding Elias in her arms. "I don't want any type of danger anywhere near him like I'm willing to kill for this boy."

"That's the life of a mom girl get use to it." I smirked.

"I think I love him more than Carlton." we share a laugh as he yawns and she aw's. "Oh my god....i love you so much but mommy needs to shower can you keep a eye on him for me Cam?"

"Of course." she carefully hands me babyboy rushing in the bathroom leaving me with Mona and Elias.

"Mommy can I hold him?" Mona asked looking at him amazed.

I had her rub hand sanitizer on her hands sat her comfortably on the bed and gently placed him in her arms. They stared at each other. "Did you still want a little brother or sister pumpkin?"

She nods not taking her eyes off him. He bambled making her smile. I took a few pictures and send to Chris.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Rebecca came out her bathroom fresh from the shower.

"Oh yeah well um while we waited on you and little one here I decided go see what has been up with me lately." she smirked sitting crossed legs in front of me.


"I'm pregnant." she screamed making Eli start crying and instantly ran to his side.

"Oh I'm sorry baby mommy didn't mean to scare you." she rocked him. "This is so great Cam I just had my baby your about to have another. Our kids are going to be best friends. I think it's lunch time." she sat pulling out her breast.

"Mommy why she do that?"

"She's feeding him that's how baby's get their food." she scrunched up her face. "You did that when you were a baby."

"Ew." me and Rebecca laughed.

"Come on so I can make your lunch." I took her to the kitchen making a raspberry and Nutella sandwich with white grapes and milk.

I sat her at the table and started on me and Rebecca lunch. If dancing wasn't such a passion for me id defiantly do something in cooking. I made us some chicken salad sandwiches with potatoes chips and iced strawberry tea.

"Oh yay Cammy salad sandwiches." Rebecca came down with a sleeping Elias in her arms.

She put him in the little play pen. I sat Mona on the couch for her nap when she finished eating. We ate our lunch in front of the tv watching some lifetime movie.

"Have you told Chris yet?"

"No you and Isabel are the only ones who know. I'm gonna tell him tonight. It has been a week so I think I'll tell him now."

"How are you gonna do it?"

"Um I don't know maybe over dinner. Would you and Carlton mind Mona staying the night? She can be a big help."

"Yeah no problem my little man is a angel not many problems from him."
Brushing my hair I let out a breath feeling nervous. Chris and I both love each other it's more than obvious but I'm not confident in how he'll take the news of me being pregnant.

He got a lot of new stuff coming up. I know he's gonna be busy and just worry if this is the right time. I planned a nice romantic dinner for us. Lite some candles, put the smooth jazz playlist on and set up the plate in our dinning room. For dinner I made some Cajun chicken with a small side salad and chocolate mousse cake with raspberries.

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