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My life was never like those around. My brother had his mate just like everyone else. Me, I was the one who didn't have no one. Men would want me, but I didn't want them. I wanted a relationship that meant something. I wanted to be the one to help someone learn to love. Well, that's what I wanted, but so far, nothing.

Hearing her alarm, Leslie knew that she had to leave for another day of Forks High School. Her brother was worried, but so was she. Leslie never really spoke about her problems as she liked dealing with her problems herself, just like she did when she was human. "I guess today will be nothing, but staring." She mumbled.

Her family heard her walk downstairs and out the door making them all sigh. "She's afraid she'll be alone."

"She'll meet him." Alice tells Jasper.

Somewhere in Forks, Dominic Swan wasn't the one to date or fall in love. He just didn't believe in it. After his mother left his father, Dominic chose to stay with Charlie because he knew that it would absolutely kill him if his son left. His little man, so he stayed. "Dad, I'm gone."

Forks High School was something that Leslie was not expecting. The school wasn't big and she didn't know how to feel about that. She pulled up to an empty parking space just as her family joined her. She got out and the first thing she saw was a very handsome. "I spy with my little eye, the sexiest man my little eyes have ever seen."

Jasper looked to see her staring at a boy who had girls staring at him as he walked by. "I don't think he dates. Just by looking at the girls in tears."

Leslie wondered why. "I'm getting my schedule." She tells him. "And I will be fine."

Jasper nodded as he kissed her head and sighed as she left. "Why can't she just be more open?" Rosalie asked.

"Leslie is like me in some way. She always dealt with things on her own." Jasper said. "She's strong willed."

They nodded knowing that there was no point. Leslie Whitlock Hale will always be closed off.

Dominic Swan stood at his locker when a stunning blonde with blue eyes walked by. He couldn't believe what he was feeling. Leslie got to her locker and open it. Dominic studied the blonde before he was off to class.
History came and Leslie was ready to go home. "You must be Miss. Hale." He said checking her out.

"I have a brother who will absolutely kill you if you look at me like that ever again." Leslie tells him. "Plus, I will tell my father and the school board as there are witnesses that will back me up."

Dominic walked in and cleared his throat causing her to turn. "Is there a problem?" He asked.

"No, sir." Leslie looked at the teacher shocked. "Your seat is with Mr. Swan here."

Leslie nodded as Dominic rolled his eyes, but lead her to their table. The blonde was studying him as she sat down. "Thank you."

"My dad is the chief and everyone knows not to piss me off." He says.

"I'm Leslie Hale."

"Dominic Swan."

Leslie nodded as she could tell something was bothering him. Dominic just kept his mind on the assignment and not the beautiful blonde beside him. Leslie looked at him and sighed. "Okay, who can tell me the date or year of the confederate army?"

Leslie raised her hand causing Dominic to look at her. "Miss. Hale."

"The army started in 1861-1865 which at the time was the Civil War." She said.

"Very good, Miss. Hale."

"That was amazing." Dominic said.

"Really?" She asked. "Because smart girls are the ones that get ignored by men." 

Dominic nodded as the bell rang. "Seems like it's lunch. Do you need help finding the cafeteria?"

Leslie smiled. "Sure."
Jasper was looking for his sister when he saw Leslie walking in with Dominic. "I see my brother, but I would like to know you better." She said as Dominic sat at an empty table making her sit with him.

"You know I don't like sitting with people."

"I can tell, but I can leave..."

"No." Dominic said. "You're interesting and I would like to talk to you some more."

Leslie smiled as she stayed in her seat. "You seem closed off."

"I have reasons."

Jasper watched as his sister interacted with Dominic Swan. Leslie wondered why he was like he is and knew she had to find out.
Later that day, Leslie saw Dominic in another class of hers, but one problem. Movie. "This class is always movies." Dominic tells her. "She gets high and passes out so she doesn't care what anyone does."

"Oh wow." She said. "So we get to know one another better."


Leslie noticed how everyone was looking at them. "Why must they stare?"

"I don't talk to anyone. Girls tried to get with me, but it was a no. People tried to be my friend, no. You? You have me curious, Leslie. You don't act like anyone here."

Leslie smiled as she looked at him. "Everyone just wanted me for my body. Some thought I was 'easy' to get with. Someone tried to rape me, but Jasper taught me how to take care of myself."

Dominic wondered what it would be like to se...don't Dominic, you swore off women. "Wow." He said making her smile. "You'll have to show me what self defenses he has taught you."

"Trust me. You wouldn't want to know half of the fighting moves he has taught me." Leslie says.

Dominic noticed the lights turned off and looked at the blonde beside him. Leslie felt eyes on her making her look to see Dominic. He was a mystery and with that comes a sexual attraction towards him.

Dominic was feeling the same for her as he has never felt like this before. He swore he wouldn't fall in love, but there was something about her that has him wanting more.

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