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Baseball was something Leslie looked forward too, but one thing she didn't like. Bella Swan was going to be there. Dominic told her to not think much about it, but she can't help it. She doesn't trust Bella.

Jasper looked at his sister as he could tell she wasn't happy. "Les...."

"If anything happens to Dominic, I will kill Bella." She says. "I know something is going to happen."

"What did you see?"

"Someone turning Dominic for payback on the person's mate. Jasper, I'm scared." She said looking at him. "I can't lose Dominic. I have a mate that loves me for me and I would have myself killed just so I could be with him."

Jasper hugged her as he could tell she was afraid. Alice walked in and stopped when she had a vision like Leslie's, but different. A redhead turns Dominic.
Dominic could tell something was bothering Leslie. He kissed her head causing her to look at him. "Hi." She says.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I don't want to be here." She tells him.

"Leslie, I'm sure everything is going to be okay." Dominic tells her. "Don't worry too much about this."

The blonde nodded as she has no other choice to believe her mate. She wanted to tell him the truth, but she was afraid to tell him. Dominic looked at Leslie and knew that she was going to worry. "What did Alice see?"

"I saw it." She tells him as they walked to the others. "I saw you getting turned after the game. I don't know who did it, but I do know it's for revenge or the beginning of the revenge."

Dominic looked at her shocked. He was going to be lie the love of his life. "Let who it is turn me because that saves you from having to do it."

Leslie looked at him shocked as he walked over to Emmett. She looked at her brother as Bella and Edward arrived. Seeing Jasper look at his sister meant something was wrong and Leslie knew. Edward went to say something, but changed his mind as he knew Leslie would never tell him a thing. The blonde went to her spot in the field as Dominic smiled at her causing her to smile a bit. "It's time." Alice said causing the blonde to sigh.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm worried about this game. We have humans with us and one has a scent that everyone would love to feed from." She tells Edward. "My mate will be in danger because of her and you will never see that."

No one said a word as Leslie looked at Alice and nodded. She nodded and threw the ball. Leslie watched as the ball went to Emmett causing him to climb the tree. Maybe I'm worrying for nothing.
Dominic smiled as he watched Leslie catch the ball with no issues, but stopped as she saw something. "Stop!" Alice called out causing them to gather together, but Leslie who was looking in the forest.

"Leslie!" Dominic called out causing her to run to his side.

She hugged Dominic as she was afraid of what was going to happen. Dominic buried his head in her hair as the three people showed up. She so desperately wanted to tell them 'I told you so', but kept her mouth shut. Feeling him kiss her head, Leslie turned to face the three nomads. The red eyes strikes fear in Leslie as they remind her of her old self. She held onto Dominic as she zoned back in the conversation. "Some of us was just leaving." Carlisle says.

"Bad idea." She mumbled as the wind blew making her look at Edward and Bella who were trying to leave.

"You brought a snack."

Dominic watched Leslie glared at the man in front of her. She growled as she would protect her mate. "I see that the game is over."

"Indeed it is."

When they left, Leslie grabbed Edward growling. "If anything happens to Dom, I will kill you and that fucking blood bag, Bella." She shoved him as she walked away with Dominic.

Edward looked at Bella as he couldn't believe that Leslie shoved him down. "Take her home." Carlisle tells him. "I'll have a plan to make sure that nothing happens to Dominic."

"What's going to happen to my brother?"

"He might turn tonight or tomorrow. We don't know when, but it's out of revenge.' Edward says as he stood up. "Let's go so we can have a plan on getting you out of town."
Dominic looked at Leslie as she sat in silence. "I'm scared." Was all she said as she looked at him. "I can't lose you, Dominic."

"You won't lose me. I know that if I'm close to death, you would turn me." He tells her as he got her to look at him. "Leslie Blue Hale, I love you."

"I love you too." She said as they kissed not knowing that they are being watched.

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