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Leslie and Dominic laid in her bed together. No one wasn't home, just them. Dominic couldn't get over the fact that the last person he didn't want to see was thinking of moving in with him and his dad. Leslie knew he wasn't too happy about and promised him that she would be over all the time. "How did you turn?"

"Wrong place at the wrong time." Leslie tells him as she raised up. "I was walking home from doing errands when I was suddenly bit."she sighed. "I was used just like my brother. I thought I loved him and that he loved me, but it was all a lie."

Dominic looked at the blonde shocked. "Les...."

"That's why I was so careful with you." She confessed as she sat up. "I was scared history would repeat."

Dominic sat up and looked her in the eyes. "Leslie, I would never...just thinking that you thought that you would be used makes me angry. I'm not that guy, Leslie. I'm the guy who never believed in love till now." He said. "I love you, Leslie Blue."

Leslie smiled as she kissed him. "I love you."
Charlie walked into the house to see Dominic and Leslie watching tv. Dominic looked up and smiled. "Dad, I want you to officially meet my girlfriend, Leslie."

"Girlfriend?" Charlie asked shocked.

"She taught me how to love."

Leslie walked over with a smile. "I love Dominic, sir. I know what its like to not know love, but I promise to love Dominic for the rest of my life."

Charlie looked at the two and smiled. He could tell that Dominic has someone to love and maybe, just maybe, he would find love himself.

At the Cullens, Alice smiled as she saw Dominic confess his love for Leslie. Everything was perfect, but there is the sister that Dominic will not let Leslie around. Hearing him say that Bella may try something had her thinking of what Bella may do. Jasper kissed her head causing her to look up. "What did you see?"

"Dominic confessed his love for Leslie." She said. "It wasn't like how I saw the vision, but Leslie changed the future by telling her story."

Jasper growled remembering how hurt Leslie was when she discovered the affair between Dakota and Maria. Their true meaning behind the use of them. "Let's not talk about that bastard."

Alice nodded as she knew the major was out. And the only time that happens is when it's Leslie or herself. "Major, she's safe with Dominic. I promise."

Leslie walked in and stopped as she saw her brother's facial features. "Oh no." She mumbled as she turned.

"Leslie Blue."

"Yes, major." Leslie said as she looked at him.

"Are you..."

"Major, you may be my brother, but I swear to god if you say something about my relationship. Don't."

"I don't want to see you hurt."

"And you won't." Leslie said as she grabbed his hand. "I love him and he loves me."

Major calmed down for Jasper to take control and hug his sister. "I know he does. I hate seeing you hurt because you have been alone for a long time and now that you finally have your mate, I worry about you."

Leslie didn't say a word as she knew he was right. He has rights to worry and she has rights to be scared. She loves Dominic and he loves her, but deep down, she is still scared.
Dominic got a call from Jasper saying Leslie never came home and that made him panic. He grabbed his keys and drove off into the rain to search for Leslie. The one girl he loves and knew that she was hiding something had him worried. He came to a stop as he saw the blonde herself. "Leslie." He said as he parked the car and got out. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared." She tells him. "I'm so scared that you might hurt me."

Dominic grabbed her face gently and had her look at him. "Leslie, I love you and I will never hurt you." He said kissing her. "You are the reason why we are here today. I would have ignored you, but you were a force to be reckon with. Now that I know how I feel...I can't lose you."

Leslie smiled as Dominic picked her up and carried her to his car. Neither of them said a word as they drove off. One simple text from Leslie had Jasper calm down. She was safe and sound with her mate. Dominic looked at Leslie as she had her eyes closed as she if she could sleep. He meant every word to her. He loves her and would never hurt her. A promise he was going to keep till the day he turns.

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