Twenty nine

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When they decided that it was time to go home, Leslie was happy that she gets to see her brother again. "While I'm with Jasper, you go to Charlie."

"Sure, baby." He says. "Give us both time to be with someone we've missed them and I know Charlie is wanting to see me, but I want to see my brother."

Jasper appeared to see his sister. He smiled as he got her out of the car and pulled her into a hug. Dominic smiled as he knew she was happy to be home. He put the car in reverse and drove off to see his dad. "I missed you."

"And I missed you." He says. "Come on, let's go talk."

"Like old times?"

"Like old times."
Arriving home, Dominic smiled as he was home. Charlie walked out to see his son. "Dom, your back." He says walking over to him. "It's good to have you back."

"How much did I miss while we were gone?"

Charlie gave him a look causing him to see Bella standing there. He glared at his sister because of the stress she put on his father. He looked back at his father. Bella couldn't believe that they were back and knew there will be issues. Issues that will drive the Cullens apart. All she wants is to be turned and Edward won't even do that.

"Well, dad, Leslie said she would have come to visit, but she missed her brother so much that she decided to stay home with him."

"How's the baby?"

"Kicking. Leslie is ready for her to be born."

"Her?" Charlie says smiling. "How about we go to the diner and talk like we used to."

"I would like that very much, dad."

Sorry it's short, but I'm hoping the next one is long.

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