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Dominic was fixing breakfast for him and Charlie before he left for school. "Dad! Breakfast!" He says as Bella walked in to only see two plates. He saw her and shrugged. "I don't know what you like so you can do it yourself."

Bella rolled her eyes as Charlie walked in to take a seat. Dominic sat down as they started eating. "How are things with you and Leslie?" Charlie asked. "I haven't gotten the chance to speak to her yesterday."

"She's fine." He says. "She was talking about repainting her room or just remodeling the whole thing."

Bella watched with envy as her dad and brother were talking and joking with one another. She could never understand why Dominic was like this with their father as Charlie was an awkward person. Dominic felt eyes on him and knew Bella was watching him. The phone started ringing causing Charlie to answer it. "Hello?" He says. "Leslie. Yeah, I'll have him come and pick you up."

Dominic took that as his cue to leave. He patted his dad on the shoulder as he left to pick up Leslie.
At school, Dominic and Leslie arrived to see all eyes were on Bella. Well that changed when everyone started talking about the hottest couple ever. "Uh oh." Leslie says. "I think we may have someone jealous."

Dominic parked the car and the two got out. Bella watched as Dominic placed his hand on the small of her back as they started walking. Leslie saw Bella's jealousy and decided to have some fun. She grabbed Dominic and kissed him in front of the whole school. Bella scoffed as she walked into the school just for Dominic to look at her. "Now that, pushed it a bit." He says. "I love it."

"I'm going to have so much fun." Leslie said as she looked at him. "Especially with you."

Dominic groaned as he couldn't believe that she had brought that up. Leslie smirked as she dragged him away causing Jasper to shake his head at the lust he felt from them. "My sister is literally going to be the death of him."

"I never said those two would be able to keep their hands to theirselves." Alice says. "At least you don't share a class with them."

Jasper gave her a look of disgust as they went to class. Bella saw Dominic kissing Leslie before he walked to class. "Hello?" Bella says gaining the blonde's attention.


"I was wondering what do you see in my brother."

Leslie looked at her and smirked. "Your brother is the love of my life and I don't actually have to tell you anything, Isabella."

Bella watched Leslie walk into her class causing her to scoff. She needs to see what this beautiful blonde sees in her brother. Hearing the warning bell, Bella was off to class as Leslie knew that they have a certain human jealousy.
Leslie smiled as she was at her locker. This morning may have started off bad, but it didn't ruin her day as she was going to be with Dominic later on. Dominic walked up behind her and kissed her neck causing her to close her eyes. "Mmm. I see you found me."

"Bella is pissed." He tells her. "All she has heard about was how we were siblings."

Leslie smiled as she turned around and looked at him. "So what are we doing after school."

"I was thinking that after 6th, we ditch this place and go back to my house." He replies.

Leslie smiled as she wrapped her arms around him as he shut her locker. They walked off to the cafeteria talking about what they plan to do, but usually they end up in bed. When they got outside, Jasper and Alice had walked in. "Show time." She says.

Bella saw her brother and his girlfriend. "Dominic Swan and Leslie Hale. Sexiest people to ever walk in this school." Jessica says as Bella glared at the attention her brother was getting. "As you can tell, Leslie and Dominic can't keep their hands off one another, but we are all surprised there isn't a baby yet."

"She'll leave him just like mom did dad." Bella mumbled.

Leslie growled under her breath causing Dominic to look at her. "Leslie..."

"I will kill her if she dare thinks she about telling you that I would leave just like your mom did to your father." She says. "I would never..."

"Let's go home." He tells her. "I refuse to stay here knowing Bella is going to start in on her first day."

Leslie nodded as they threw away their trays and left.
Dominic laid on the bed as Leslie was on top of him. Bella had to ask him what his problem was and why did he leave. She opened the door to see Leslie moaning as Dominic had his hands on her hips. Leslie looked and screamed out. "Get out!" Dominic said as Bella quickly shut the door.

"Wow." She says as she looked at Dominic. "I think its time we do this at my house for now on."

"Yep, but first..."

Leslie squealed out as Dominic turned them over so they can finish where they left off. Bella called her mom as she kept hearing Dominic and Leslie. "Mom, I think Dominic is too busy to talk." She said as Renee started asking who he was sleeping with, but Bella couldn't say a word about what is happening in Dominic's room. This didn't settle well for Bella at all. That should be her and some guy not her brother and a drop dead gorgeous blonde. "I have to go." Bella said as she hung up.

Dominic laid beside Leslie breathing heavy. "That was the best."

"When is it not?" She asked. "Don't let her bother you."

"I won't." He says. "I have you to focus on."

Leslie smiled as she laid her head on his chest. Their moment may have been interrupted by Bella, but that didn't stop them from continuing. Next time it will be at the Cullens house.

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