Thirty one-epilogue

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When Bella got to the Cullens, all she saw was Alice. "Where's everybody?"

"They left. It's just us now."

Bella couldn't believe that their love affair would cause them to leave. She sighed as Alice hugged her. It was just them now.
Charlie stood at the courthouse as he watched his son marry the love of his life and mother to his child. "What had them decide to elope?"

"We're moving, they got their diplomas early as we announced we were moving. Dominic had asked for his as him and Leslie will be having their child soon."

"I understand. I'm sorry for Bella and Alice's affair. If only I saw it I would have saved Edward from a heartache."

"It's not your fault." Dominic tells him. "Don't worry about that anymore because there is someone out there for him and Jasper."

"He's right." Leslie says as she walked over to him. "Bella caused this not you. To be honest, no one saw this coming till we got back."

"No more talking about it, we have a wedding to get to."

Leslie smiled as she hugged Charlie. This was a new beginning.
Ten years later, Leslie and Dominic Swan had their daughter, Michelle and their son, Mickey. Charlie had passed but the news of Bella and Alice looking for them was unsettling. Jasper and Edward are on their own as they have nothing to do with Alice and Bella.

"This is the life." Leslie looked beside her smiling.  "What? The kids are at school and I get to lay in bed with my wife."

"Dom, what am I going to do with you?"

"Love me."


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