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"How are things with you and Dom?" Emmett asked. "We haven't gotten to speak to the two of you in a long time."

Leslie smiled. "We have been planning something and I know once I say this, Jasper will realize that something is happening." She stated as she walked over to the bookshelf while touching her bump. "I wondered what happened while we were away for a bit. I know about Victoria since you and Jasper called and told us, but why do I have this feeling that something else is happening and no one doesn't see it."

"What do you mean?"


Emmett looked at his sister trying to understand what she meant till he realized how she is with Bella. He looked at her with wide eyes that no one saw it but her. "Oh my god. That's not going to end well."

"No because it's hurting my brother."

Emmett couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You knew because..."

"Jasper's gift." She says. "I think Jasper knows too."
Jasper sat in his room reading when he felt arms. "Hey."

"Hey." He says moving her arms.

"What's wrong?"

"You seem to forget that I have a gift where I can feeling emotions and my sister uses the same gift." He tells her. "How come you are feeling jealousy around Bella and Edward?"

"I'm not jealous." She says laughing. "Promise. I love you."

Jasper knew she lied. 'You're lying to me." He says. "All these years, I truly thought you have loved me, that I finally had my mate and yet, somehow, someway, it was all a lie. Once Bella Swan came to Forks, you've changed. I feel jealousy when Edward and Bella kiss, I feel your excitement when it's just you and Bella. You don't see what you are doing, but I feel your emotions every time Bella is near. Now, tell me that you don't love her."

"I don't! She's my best friend."

"You're lying to me." He says. "Tell me the truth for once, Alice."

Alice wished she could cry. "Fine! I love her! Bella is my mate, but we were respecting you and Edward!"

Not seeing the rest, everyone stood behind them shocked. Jasper nodded as he went to his sister and soon to be brother in law. "What ever you two decide. I'm going with you." He says. "I'm done with this coven and the betrayal that has happened."

Dominic nodded as Leslie smiled. "Jasper, somewhere out there is a beautiful woman who is waiting for you. I promise that you will see her one day, but for now, let's get out of here and calm down." She tells him. "Then the three of us can talk about where to go."

Alice couldn't believe what just happened. She fell in love with Bella Swan because that is her mate, but she used Jasper to get to where she's at now. Rosalie and Emmett shook their head as they walked away. Esme and Carlisle didn't know what to do as Edward had to leave to calm himself down before he killed a human and someone he thought as a sister.

Standing in the empty room, Alice left to go tell Bella that she told them everything.

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