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Dominic woke up to see Leslie in his arms acting to be asleep as he heard a knock. "What Bella?" He asked already knowing who was at his door. He watched the door open and saw that he was right.

"I thought she went home." Bella said.

"Nope." He says as he kissed Leslie's head even though she was awake listening. "Now, what the hell do you want?"

"I came to tell you that she will do you just like mom..."

Bella didn't get to say a word as Leslie stood up with the sheet around her. "You listen here and you listen well you spoiled brat. I love Dominic unlike that bitch of a mom and you. The only person that has given him love was Charlie till I came along. Now you have a choice. Stop saying that I will leave or deal with the wrong side of me."

Bella didn't say a word as she walked away. "Now that, was the best thing to ever see in the morning." He says as she walked back to the bed and laid down. "What's wrong?"

"Stress." She tells him.

"I know what can get your mind off her."

Leslie looked at him and smiled as she kissed him. She was glad that he would do anything to get her mind off of things. "Dominic Alex Swan, what do you have in mind?"

"A date."

Leslie squealed as she kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you."
At school, Dominic and Leslie walked together. Jasper saw them and walked over to them. "We may have a problem." He says.

"What?" Leslie asked.

"Edward left because of Bella's scent."

Leslie and Dominic were shocked. They saw Bella looking for Edward making Leslie growl. Dominic grabbed Leslie and walked away. The Cullens watched Dominic take away Leslie as they all looked at one another. "She's pissed."

"Dominic may be the only one to keep her calm." Jasper says. "Because I can't calm my sister down. Tried that before and it didn't end well."

"What did she do?"

"She bit Jasper." Alice replies laughing.

Jasper looked at her making her kiss him. They looked at Dominic talking to Leslie as she looked to be calming down. Bella saw Dominic and Leslie sharing a kiss. She had to ask Leslie about her brother. "Leslie, have you thought of Edward's gift."

"Did once and I'm not doing it again." She tells him as they walked in.

"Do I want to know?"

Leslie shook her head as Dominic nodded. They stopped by her locker causing her to face him. "Why do I have a feeling that there will be questions asked?"

Dominic looked at her then to the stares of his sister. "That." He says causing Leslie to see her. "She better not, because we don't know what happened as we ditched the rest..."

"Dominic, lets get this day over with and not think about your sister." She tells him. "We have each other to think about."

Dominic nodded as him and Leslie walked off to class. They weren't worry about what will happen in the week. It was just them. No thoughts of Bella or what is coming. Leslie didn't care as she only wanted to focus on Dominic.

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