Twenty four

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Filler Chapter

Charlie was shocked to see Leslie and Dominic home, but he could tell that his son was very upset. "That bad, huh?'

"Yeah." She tells him. "Let's say she tried to act like a mother, but all the anger Dominic has against Renee is still there. He tried, but it didn't work."

Charlie nodded. "Why don't you go call your brother while I talk to Dom."

Leslie nodded as she went up to Dominic's room to call Jasper. Dominic looked at his father. "I have nothing to say."

"I know, but you have every right for what happened." He says. "You gave it a shot and it didn't work out."

Dominic sighed. "All I want is a mother, but she can't even do that." He looked at Leslie who was at the end of the stairs. "I don't need her love when I got Leslie's love. She's the only woman I need in my life." He looked at his dad smiling. "And yours."

"You'll always have us." Charlie tells him as Leslie walked over to him. "One day, Renee will understand why you are like that."

"I don't care." Dominic says.

Charlie knew Dominic gave up as he sat down on the couch with Leslie. Hearing the phone ring, Charlie went to answer it, but stopped seeing his daughter staring out the window in zombie mode still. If it's Renee, he will tell her how Bella is acting and also that Dominic gave up on her.

Dominic looked at Leslie and kissed her head. She was all he ever needed.

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