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Dominic and Leslie walked out of the school together to see Edward following Bella into the woods. "She's dumb." Leslie pointed out as she looked at Dominic. "Why is she going to the woods?"

"Leslie, don't pay them any attention." Dominic tells her. "He probably has a plan. It's hard to tell bout Edward."

Leslie nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck smiling. "How about the two of us ditch..."

"No can do." Emmet tells her. "We have an issue and you know there will be a meeting."

Leslie growled causing Dominic to kiss her head. "We can do something at your house."

At the Cullens, Leslie stood in Dominic's arms listening to Rosalie. "I think Carlisle needs to step up." Dominic said. "He is the leader and all of you have been running over him. Let him deal with this as the leader and father."

Leslie smirked at her family that her mate spoke up. Dominic dragged Leslie out of the room. The blonde didn't know what he wanted, but she was going to let him take her to wherever he was going. They walked out to the woods and into the forest. "Dominic..."

"We need to talk." He tells her as he dragged her further into the woods. "I know you're upset about my sister finding out, but I don't want you to be stressed out. Let's focus on us and not on Edward or Bella."

Leslie smiled as she hugged him. "You make things so much easier." She tells him. "You're right. We shouldn't be worrying. Carlisle is the leader and he needs to step up."

"Good." He said. "Now, what else do you have in mind?"

Leslie looked at him smiling. "Just lay on the ground next to you." She tells him. "I don't want to think. I just want to be in your arms looking at the sky."

Dominic kissed her before they laid down on the ground and looked up at the sky. Leslie put her head on Dominic's chest and started thinking about their future. She thought of Alice's gift and saw the future. Dominic with ember golden eyes, kissing her, but a little laugh caused Leslie to smile. She just wondered what that little laugh was.

Dominic looked at her. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." She said. "Just our future."

"I want to be turned." He tells her. "I want to be with you for the rest of eternity."

Leslie smiled as she raised up. "I already know that is what you want. I know that in time you will be turned. Don't know when, but I know that the two of us will be happy for eternity."

Dominic smiled as he pulled her in and kissed her. Jasper found the two kissing and smiled as he left. He thought something might have happened, but it looks like they just wanted to be left alone. "Did you find them?"

"Yeah. They just wanted some time alone, but I think Dominic made a point."

They all nodded as he did. Carlisle is their leader and he needs to be treated as one. Not just a father figure. Carlisle knew he would have to have a talk with Edward about this, but that would mean with Leslie too because Dominic is still human. Two vampires and two humans. How well will this turn out?

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