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Bella waited for Edward to arrive till she saw Dominic and Leslie walking in the school laughing and flirting. She glared at their PDA, their flirting, she wanted that with Edward. Dominic doesn't deserve a beautiful woman like Leslie Hale, he doesn't deserve no one. Leslie smiled as she kissed him. "I'll see you later."

"Okay." Dominic said as he kissed her head.

Jasper smiled at the two as they went into their separate class. He felt jealousy and anger making him see Bella. "She lays a hand on my sister or does something that will harm Dominic. Edward won't worry about his thirst any more."
Dominic was walking to Leslie's locker when he saw his sister. "Bella, just stop." He said. "I have nothing to say to you and Leslie definitely doesn't want to talk to you. Now leave us alone."

"I still don't see what she sees in you."

Dominic watched as Leslie slammed Bella against the locker with a glare. "I love Dominic for one, two, your just an annoying bitch who complains because her brother has a relationship that shows a lot of love and finally, you are nosy as fuck. You are the only person in this school that has stuck her nose in my family's business or that you constantly stare looking for my brother. Now you have two choices, stop telling Dominic a bunch of BS or I can simply tell the school that you are a stalker."

Bella didn't say a word as she walked away. "Someone had to tell her the truth."

"She won't stop." Leslie tells him. "Not till she's right or till she discovers what we are. That part may not end well."

Dominic sighed as he wrapped his arm around Leslie and walked her to the cafeteria. "Don't worry about her. You have me and your family."

Leslie nodded with a smile as they walked away. Edward shook his head at the show he just saw. He didn't know what to think. This is the girl he is curious about, the one that he is supposed to be with. He will have to put her in her place if she steps out of line.
Later on, Leslie smiled as she looked at Dominic as he mocked the teacher. "You do know that you can get you in trouble." She says. "But I love every part of you."

"I know you do."

Leslie smiled as they shared a look before going back to the assignment. Dominic watched Leslie close her eyes thinking of a gift and gasped. "I wished I didn't do that."


"I thought of Alice's gift and saw Edward screwing up. I don't think Alice saw it though." She tells him. "Your sister may be wanting more answers on my family, baby."

"Hey. Don't worry." Dominic tells her as the bell rang. "Just focus on us and nothing else."

"Can we talk about our future?" She asked as they got to her locker. "I want to know what you have in store and I can tell you what I would like for us."

Dominic shut her locker and smiled as they walked away together. Leslie liked the idea he had. As they walked out of the school, they saw a van hitting Bella's truck causing Leslie to grab Dominic. "I'm here."

"Just the thought..."

"Baby, I'm right here and I'm fine." He tells her. "Come on. Let's go watch a movie."

Leslie nodded as they walked to his car. When they walked by, they heard Rosalie say that Edward screwed up and now Bella is going to want more answers. Dominic sighed as he looked at his mate as she was trying to calm down. She grabbed his hand and walked away as she needed to go see a movie and calm down in the arms of her mate. That's all she needs in this moment.

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