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Dominic woke up to see Leslie standing in front of the window. "Charlie left not to long ago." She says as she felt his eyes on her.

"I heard you last night." He tells her as she looked at him. "I thought you said you would never use the 'L' word till you knew if you were sure."

"Yesterday, I was scared." She tells him. "I thought something happened to you. You weren't answering your phone and Alice couldn't see you...I thought I lost you."

Dominic walked over and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. "I'm not ready to say those words yet. Despite us being mates, but we are still learning one another, but I know there is no denying it." He said. "Leslie, I just need time.."

"I'm not rushing you to say it." She tells him. "I couldn't help, but say it when I saw you asleep. I knew I had to say something, I just didn't think you were a wake."

Dominic smiled as he kissed her neck. "I know a way to show you how I feel. I just won't say those words."

Leslie shook her head as he picked Leslie up and carried her to bed.
"Alice, who did you see?" Jasper asked.

"Dominic's sister." She said. "What I saw, Dominic doesn't care much for her."

Jasper already knew that his sister was going to cause hell for her mate's sister.

At the Swans, Dominic collapsed on the bed with Leslie on his chest. "There is a reason why I can't say those words." He says making Leslie looked at him. "When I was little, mom ditched me and dad, but it hurt when she took my sister. Not once did she call me, till recently, she wants to talk."

"Your mother didn't give you the love or showed you the mother's love that a child deserves." Leslie said.

"Yeah." He said. "Now she wants Bella to come here thinking that everything would be fine."

Leslie straddled him making him look at her. "I don't know what its like as Jasper has always been by my side, but I promise that you have new siblings that love you. Esme sees you as her son." She tells him as she leaned in. "When she comes, she will see that you are happy..." Dominic laid his head back as she started moving. "...that her being here won't bother you..."

"Leslie, this isn't helping...mmm."

"She will have to hear us...'


"...and she will have to deal with us being around one another a lot." She tells him as she moaned out. "Dominic!"

"Shit." He said as he turned them over. "You started it and now I'm finishing it."
"Wait." Leslie said as her and Dominic walked in. "Are you saying..."

"Yes, but Edward doesn't know."

"Why her of all people?" Dominic said. "I hate her enough and now there might be a chance I have to actually deal with her forever."

Leslie looked at him shocked. "You want to be turned."

"After graduation, yes." He tells her. "I may not said that word, but I want to be with you forever."

Leslie smiled as she kissed him. "I'm glad, but now we need to focus on your so called sister."

Jasper smiled as he was happy his sister was finally happy. Dominic may not say those words yet, but Leslie would wait forever for him to tell her. Alice smiled as she looked at Jasper. "Just give him time. He will say it back."

"Yeah." Jasper said. "If Peter...'

"No." They heard. "I can't stand it when you two are around one another. I thought Emmett was annoying, I take it back anyday when it comes to the two of you."

Jasper chuckled as he heard Emmett and Dominic carrying on. Leslie smiled as she looked at her brother and hugged him. "Thank you for being the best brother in the world. I love you, Jasper."

"I love you, Leslie Blue."

"Blue is her middle name?"

Leslie groaned as Jasper started telling Dominic the story of how Leslie got her name. She looked at Dominic and saw him smiling and laughing. He has a family and a father that loves him. Just like she said. Dominic looked at the blue eyed girl and smiled as he knew that this mission to love is about over as he was close to saying those words.

Dominic Alex Swan fell in love with Leslie Blue Hale. Now to plan when to tell her how he actually feels.

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