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Dominic was working on his homework when Bella walked in. "I still don't understand what Leslie sees in you." She says making Dominic look up at him. "Your just like dad."

"You know what, Isabella. Leslie sees me for me. A man who deserves to be loved by someone and not just his father." He stood up and walked over to Bella with a glare as she was scared. "You may had Renee's love, but I have two...no...Leslie's whole family loves me just like dad does. I don't need you or Renee to ever love me." He went to walk away, but stopped. "If I ever hear Leslie's name in your mouth ever again, you will regret it."

Charlie walked in as Dominic walked out. "What happened?"

"She is already starting trouble and I refuse to deal with it." He says. "I would have said more, but I don't want to regret what I have said later."

"Go see stay with Leslie. I'll deal with your sister."
Leslie had just stepped out of the shower when she heard someone knocking. She walked downstairs to see who was at her door at this hour. Dominic wasn't expecting to see Leslie in a towel and her dripping wet. "Dominic?" She asked making him kiss her. She could tell that he was stressed. "Mmm."

"Bella doesn't understand why we are together."

"It's none of her business."

Dominic nodded as Leslie knew that he was hurt by his sister words. She pulled him in and shut the door. Dominic followed Leslie upstairs. Leslie walked in her room as Dominic shut the door. He looked at Leslie as she looked at him. "Dominic, do you believe me when I say I love you?"


"Do you think that I would ever leave you?"

"No." He says.

"Than ignore her. She's just jealous that Edward isn't here and she thinks that I should follow Edward's steps." Leslie touched his face with a smile. "The thought alone hurts me. I could never leave you like she thinks." She tells him. "I love you too much to ever leave."

Dominic smiled as he held her. "I love you." He tells her. "Now, I wonder what we can do while everyone is gone."

Leslie smirked as she liked being alone with her mate. She let the towel drop causing Dominic to kiss her. Edward arrived back after his MIA just to shake his head at what he was hearing inside. He went hunting instead of staying. Leslie and Dominic looked at one another as they started moving in sync again. Dominic knew Leslie wasn't lying. She wasn't leaving and that she loves him. That was enough to make him know that he only needed her in his life. No one else.

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