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Charlie walked in the house to see Leslie and Dominic making out. "Dominic, I think Leslie needs to go." He said. "We need to talk."

Leslie pulled away and nodded. Dominic watched Leslie grab her jacket and leave making him sigh. "Dad, what's up?" He asked and noticed the look. "What's that look for?"

"I know things between you and Leslie are going good." Dominic gave him a look making him sigh. "You sister is deciding if she should come stay with us."

"No." Dominic says as he stood up. "That spoil brat has everything. She had a damn mother that loves her and I had only you. I don't want her here and I don't have nothing to say to neither of them."

Charlie watched Dominic run upstairs and slammed his door shut. "I tried to tell them he wouldn't like it." He mumbled.
The next day, Leslie arrived and didn't see no Dominic. She looked at her family who shrugged. She looked around to see no sign of him being at school. "Um..."

"I can't see him." Alice tells him. "It's like he doesn't want to be seen."

Leslie walked away as she was worried. She pulled her keys out and got in her car. "Leslie..."

"Something's wrong and I know it. I'm going to the Swans house to see if he is home." Leslie tells them. "He's my mate and I have to make sure he is alright."

They nodded as they watched her leave. Each one shared a look hoping that everything was alright. Leslie was speeding as she didn't care at the moment what the speed was. No cops equals her speeding. "Dominic, your ass better be okay or I will kill you myself."
Dominic walked out of the bathroom just to see Leslie in his room. "Where the hell have you been?" She asked. "I thought you were at the school, but you was nowhere's to be seen."

"I may have gotten drunk last night without dad knowing."

"Why?" Leslie asked him as he sat on the bed.

"My stupid sister is thinking of moving in with us." He said as Leslie stood in front of him. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"You're sorry?" She said. "Do you not see how fucking worried I was. I didn't see you at the school, Alice didn't see you and you're sorry!" Leslie walked towards his door.


"Shut up." She said. "Just shut up."

Dominic didn't say a word as he knew she was pissed. He watched her pace back and forth trying to calm down. Leslie went to say something, but was cut off by him. She held onto him as he picked her up. "Forgive me?"

"I won't if you don't get me in that bed."

"Yes ma'am."
Leslie laid beside a now sleeping Dominic thinking about his sister. She knew one thing. Dominic hates his sister. She laid her head on his chest smiling as she thought of other things. Like when she was finally going to say those words, because she does love him, but at the same time, she was scared as he may not want to say it just yet. "I love you, Dominic." She said as she moved out of bed to answer her phone.

Dominic heard those three words. Three words he swore he would never say, but there was no denying that he was falling for Leslie. I'll have to tell her the truth soon.

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