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"Dad." Dominic said as he walked to the living room with a beer for his dad. "I met this girl today and I don't know how to feel. She's different from others and I don't want to fall in love."

"Dominic, I know you have been struggling with girls since you knew that I won't date." He said. "But everyone is going to get hurt and then you will meet the one that will be the one. Maybe this girl can start off with being your friend and later on you can decide if she is right for you."

Dominic looked at the tv and saw a picture of him, his sister, his mother and father. "Dad, do you think that if I give Leslie a chance, she wouldn't make the mistake mom did."

"I don't know, son." Charlie says as he looked at his son. "Dominic, give the girl a chance."
Jasper walked over to his sister and hugged her. "Want to talk about it?" He asked.

"I'm scared." She tells him. "I never knew what love is...well I thought I did." Jasper growled as he thought back to when his sister was first turned. "I don't want to be used because of my gift or who I am." Leslie sighed as she pulled away from Jasper and looked at him. "Today proved that Dominic is the one, but I can tell he has been hurt."

"By who."

"That's his story, Jasper." She said. "And if Edward read his mind, he better shut his mouth before I do something he would regret."

Jasper nodded and sighed. "All I can say is to give the guy a chance." He said. "Dominic made you smile for the first time in years."

Leslie sighed as she looked out the window. "He's your mate." Alice said gaining the siblings attention. "I saw how much you two work together. First, you start off with being friends, than it turns..."

"Don't finish it." Leslie said as she looked at Alice with a mischievous look.

"Oh, no." Alice said.

Jasper knew what she was going to do. "Oh, boy." He said. "Way to go, darlin', but I think you just gave Leslie a good reason to be around Dominic more."

Alice smiled as she knew this was going to happen. First, the friendship.
Next day, Leslie sat on the hood of her car reading. The boys would stare, but she wasn't interested. She was into Dominic. He may be her mate, but it didn't stop her from being afraid. Dominic walked over to her and sighed. "Ready for your second day."

Leslie looked up from her book and smiled as she saw him. "Well, I only have one person I talk"

"Come on.' Dominic said making Leslie look at him shock as she got of the car. "I'm going to take the chance to know you."

"Okay." She said as Jasper smirked at his sister making her glare as she walked by.

Jasper felt the envy coming from the student body, but he didn't care. Leslie has her mate and he was going to make sure she was happy.

Leslie looked at Dominic as they walked through the halls. "What's up?" She asked as he stopped to look at her. "You are never like this and..."

"Like I said. I'm taking a chance to know you."

"Dominic, I know exactly how you feel, but a different reason. Let's make it our mission."

"What type of mission?"

Leslie started to think and looked at him. "Mission to love."

Dominic didn't like the sound of the 'L' word. He hated that word and Leslie knew, but he promised his dad he would give this a shot. "Deal." He said.

Leslie smiled as she walked away as she knew this mission was going to be fun. Dominic sighed as he knew he was in for it. "Hello." He turned to see a blonde that looked similar to Leslie. "I'm Jasper."

"Leslie's brother?"

"Yes." He said. "Promise me that you won't hurt her. She's been hurt before and seeing her so hurt bothers me."

"I won't hurt her as long as she doesn't hurt me." Dominic said as he looked at the blonde at her locker. "She's the only one that I have actually talked to and like I said before. This is a chance that I am willing to take."

Jasper nodded. "I promise you that you won't regret it." 

Dominic banged his head against the locker. "What did I just agree to?" He mumbled before walking off to class.

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