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Today was Dominic's 18th birthday, but he is stuck in a seventeen year olds body. She sighed as she wished this didn't happen, but her mate was alive. Leslie found his gift and smiled as she was going to have time with him. Putting it in her bag, she walked downstairs to hear Alice talking about Bella and Dominic's party. "Um. No." She says. "I have something planned for Dominic and it's just going to be the two of us."


"Nope. Dominic has had a rough summer because Bella kept asking why was he turned and not her." She tells them. "I have plans made, reservations made, and something that I know he will enjoy. Now, I'm going to call him and meet him at school."

Jasper shook his head as he kissed his sister's head as she left. "Let her please Dominic. He already told me and Emmett what he would want."

"Yeah. Just him and Leslie."

"He also wants a child with Leslie, but Leslie doesn't think it's possible." He says as Alice kept her mouth shut. "Darlin', do you know something."

"All it takes is for her to use her gift and think of it. She forgets that she can think of anything. Like her eyes staying blue, her skin not being as paled, and her being able to cry. All she needs to do is think of what she wants and there she has it. Something her and Dominic want together."
Dominic arrived at school with his sister not too far behind him. He was ready to scream as she won't stop pestering him about him being a hybrid. He saw the blonde he has been hoping to see and walked over to her. "Hello, beautiful."

Leslie turned and smiled at him. "Hello, birthday boy." She says kissing him. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, baby."

"We have a day to ourselves." She tells him. "And it's going to be so much fun."

"Leslie, baby, don't you know not to tease me." He says as he kissed her neck. "We might just leave early."

Leslie smirked at the idea as Bella walked by asking Edward to turn her. The blonde rolled her eyes as she was not going to let that girl get to her. She felt Dominic smack her ass causing her to look at him. "Seriously?"

"I can do whatever I want to you." He tells her.

"Let's go to class so we can leave and get started on your day."

Dominic kissed her as she walked away. "That woman and her teasing,"
As soon as lunch came, Dominic and Leslie were signing out of school. Dominic wanted to know what and all Leslie has planned for him and he couldn't wait. At least it wasn't a party with his sister. "Thanks for getting me out of that."

"I heard her this morning and told her I already had plans with you." She tells him as she got her bag out of Edward's car. "Don't ask what is in it."

"Oh come on." He says. "You have been hiding things from me."

"Well, lunch is at a beautiful restaurant in Seattle, then we are going to the movies and later on, which I'm hoping lasts all night, I have a special surprise for you and it's in this bag."

Dominic went to look in it, but she held the bag close to her with a smirk. Dominic looked at her. "Tease."

"I love you too."

Dominic laughed as he pulled her into a kiss. "Let's get this day over with so I can see what my surprise is."

Leslie smiled as she got in the car as Dominic got in the driver side. She couldn't wait for tonight because she started thinking about children with him. Not thinking one bit about her gift. Dominic looked at her wondering what she was thinking about.
When it finally got dark, Leslie was in the bathroom as Dominic sat waiting for her on the hotel bed. When her phone started ringing, Leslie knew to let Dominic answer. "Hello?"

"Dominic, I know you two are still celebrating, but Edward wants us to leave."

"May I ask why?"

"An accident happened that involved Bella. She was trying to open the envelope that had tickets in it, but got cut. Causing Jasper to feel all our hunger for Bella's blood."

"Yet, Edward is targeting Jasper because he is the newest."

"Yep and we know Leslie will try to kill him."

"I will!" She said from the bathroom. "Tell Edward the next time he blames my brother, bye bye Bella!"

Dominic sighed. "Yep, she's pissed off."

"I heard." Emmett says. "Have fun. We're all leaving tonight besides Edward and he wants you two to leave too."

"I can't leave my dad."

Leslie walked out in her lingerie as she grabbed the phone. "I'm not leaving Dominic and if that is how Carlisle is going to be by letting Edward take over, then I'm out." She says. "Till Carlisle sees what he is allowing to happen, I have nothing to say to anyone, but those that are on my side. My brother."

At the Cullens, Jasper took the phone. "Leslie, stay with Dominic. I don't want you back in that state you were in when we first came here." He says. "I'm just going to go visit Peter then I will come home to you."

Leslie nodded. "I love you, Jasper."

"Love you, Leslie Blue."

Leslie hung the phone up and looked at Dominic. "Take my mind off of what is happening."

Dominic kissed her. "Baby, I know you are hurt, but know that I'm here. We don't have to do this tonight."

Leslie looked at what she had on. "It was supposed to be a good night." She says. "I walk in with this beautiful lingerie on just for you to hold me against the wall, rip it to shreds..."

"How about we make love. No more rushing because this isn't just about sex." He says. "Even though I would love to have this off of you, but tonight, things changed."

Leslie looked at him as she thought long and hard about just cuddling up to him and not go through with her plan, but she had this all planned out. "Dominic, we are going through with our plans." She tells him as she straddled him. "It's your birthday and we shouldn't worry about what Edward did because he will learn his damn lesson."

"Okay." He said as he ripped the lingerie off. "Happy birthday to me."

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