Twenty one

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Filler Chapter

Dominic looked at Leslie as she was sleeping. He remembered the talk they had about her sleeping and since her gift allows her to do whatever she thinks, she chose to sleep. He leaned over her to see his dad has been calling since last night. "Fuck." He says as he called his dad. "Hey, dad, I'm so sorry..."

Leslie woke up and looked at Dominic as he talked to his father. He laughed as he hung up. "You're grounded?"

"Just for a week, but I need to see if he will let you move in with us."

"He will." She says kissing him. "I'm his favorite."

"True." He says. "So true."
Charlie saw his son walking in and crossed his arms. "Sorry." He says. "Leslie took me to a hotel for my birthday."

"Don't tell me anything else." He says. "Just call next time, but you are grounded for a week."

"Fine with me." He says as he went to leave, but looked at his dad. "Jasper called Leslie while we were at the hotel, can she stay with us?"


Dominic walked over to him and sat down as he started telling him that the Cullens were leaving and Leslie didn't want to leave because he was still there. Charlie looked at his son and nodded. "Dad, I don't know how Bella will act seeing Leslie here, but she doesn't want to be stuck in that big house all by herself."

"We'll figure it out." He says hugging his son. "If you have too, you can go stay with her sometimes till Bella calms down."

"How bad could this turn out?"

Charlie looked at his son. "I don't know, Dom." He says. "I do not know."

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