Chapter One

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*Austin's POV*

"Liz?" I said softly, opening her bedroom door. "Lizzie, you have to get up."

She laid in her bed, laying on her belly. She groaned and pulled the blanket over her head. "No."

I smiled and went over to her, pulling her blanket off. "Liz? My gotta stop sleeping naked." My eyes roamed over her tan naked body.

"Stop looking at my butt." She said. I looked at her and she was smiling. "I know my ass is amazing but keep those big doe eyes off."

I laughed and threw her blanket back on her. "Get up, lazy. I made you breakfast."

She groaned and sat up, covering her chest with the blanket. "But I'm sleepy." She whined.

I turned and walked away. "We'll come on. I made your favorite. We have to start getting ready for the barbecue anyways."

I left the room and went to the kitchen and made Liz her plate of hash browns. After a few minutes she came in the room wearing baggy sweatpants and one of my crew necks. I smiled. Man, she was pretty. She had always been beautiful but I swear, every day she grew more beautiful. She was my best friend. I had been in love with her since I was 15. Even when I married Gielle, Liz was the girl I wanted. But she had been with her boyfriend, Jon, since she was 18.

"Austin, these are some dope hash browns." Liz said, smiling at me.

I smiled. "I made them with my secret ingredient." I winked.

She grinned and swallowed her food. "Cum?"

I shrugged and smiled bigger. "I was gonna say love but I guess it's the same thing."

She laughed and took another bite. "Love is my favorite." She winked.

"You're dirty." I said, chuckling.

She put her now empty plate down and pulled her hair up. "Look. I sized up last night." She showed me her new diamond gages.

I examined them. "What size are you at now?"

She smiled real big. "00. I'm not gonna go any bigger than that. I feel like it would look too trashy on me."

I shook my head. "You're one of the few girls who can pull it off and still look grown and mature."

She fixed the small metal hoop she had in her nose, just like mine. "I make this shit look classy." She smiled and licked her lips.

"Shutup." I said, smiling and walking away. I walked up to my room and sat on my bed and sighed. Liz was my best friend. We grew up together. Those big blue eyes and that big perfect smile made my heart ache. I knew she would never love me the way I wanted her to. She told me time and time again I was like her brother.

Liz and I had a history. Even though she had been with Jon, there was something between us. Her and Jon broke up a lot. When they broke up, I was there for her. Before Jon came along, it was me and Liz. We were each others first kiss, first loves, first, well, everything. I wanted her. But she didn't want me.

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