Chapter Seven

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*Liz's POV*
*few days later*

I sat in my room flipping through some magazines when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Come in." I said without looking up. I knew it was Austin right away by his cologne.

"I need your help." He said.

I looked up and smiled. He stood there in a suit, his tie a mess. He looked handsome. "Why are you wearing your suit?"

He shrugged. "Tall and Abbi's wedding is coming up and I wanted to make sure this still fit. But then I realized that I can't tie a tie."

I chuckled and got up and went over to him, popping his collar and fixing his tie, then tying it for him. "There. That's better." I said, smoothing it out and straightening his jacket. "You look handsome."

He smiled. "I always look handsome." He walked over to my mirror and smiled. "I look good."

I smiled and sat on my bed. "So Tall picked a date?"

He shook his head. "No. But he said it's soon." He turned and looked at me. "Have you figured out what you're wearing yet?"

"No. You know me. I'll wait till last minute." I said. I glanced at my phone and then back at him. "Oh I forgot to tell you. Jon's having a barbecue this weekend and he wants us to come."

Austin nodded. "Okay. Does he want us to bring anything?"

I shrugged. "I don't think so."

He looked at me and then came and sat next to me. "I love you, a lot." He said.

I barely heard him. I was off in my own world. I patted his leg and nodded. "I love you too, Aussy."

He chuckled. "Aussy? You haven't called me that in years."

I smiled and looked at him. "I know. It just felt right."

He kissed my forehead and stood up. "I'm going out with the guys. You wanna come?"

I shook my head. "No. I think I'm gonna call Deni and have a sleep over."

He grinned. "Hot twin having a sleep over? That's hot."

I threw my pillow at him and laughed. "You're gross. Go away."

He blew me a kiss and walked away. I smiled and shook my head, getting up and grabbing my robe and going to the bathroom. I drew myself a lavender bubble bath and stripped down, stepping into my bath and trying to relax. I was so stressed lately with Jon and Austin. I just wanted to melt away and not have to deal with any of it.

I closed my eyes and laid back, the bubbles covering my whole body. My mind went to it's own world and I drifted off.


"Austin, please relax. You're making me more nervous." I said as I gripped the pregnancy test.

"I can't relax, Liz. Im panicking. We're 16 years old." He said, pacing around the room. His tall, lanky body hovered over mine. His braces and stretched ears made him look like the punk rock kid he always wanted to be.

I felt tears. "I'm nervous too, Austin..."

He looked at me and sighed, coming over and sitting next to me. "I'm sorry, Lizzie. I'm just scared."

There was a knock on my door and then I heard my mother's voice. "Elizabeth?"

I threw the test at Austin and he panicked, throwing it down the front of his pants. I jumped up and went and opened my door. My mom stood there with a plate of cookies. "I thought maybe you guys would want a snack."

I forced a smile and took the plate. "Thanks, mommy."

She smiled. "How's the studying going?"

I looked at Austin. He had grabbed an American History text book off the floor and was flipping through it. I looked back at my mom. "It's going fine. We're trying those memory tricks you told us about."

She smiled bigger. "Good. Okay, I'll be downstairs. Holler if need anything." She said, turning and walking away.

I closed my door and put my hand on my belly. "I feel like I'm gonna puke."

Austin threw the book on the floor and stood up, pulling the test from his pants and glancing at the clock on my wall. "It's time."

I took a deep breath and went over to him. He held my hand and kissed the top of my head. I took the test and looked at it.

"It's positive." I whispered.

His breathing stopped and he let go of my hand. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I'm sure."

He started pacing again and I just stood there, staring at this stupid plastic stick that just changed my life.

After a few minutes Austin came over to me and took the test, throwing it in the trash can and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight.

"We're gonna be great parents, Lizzie." He whispered.

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