Chapter Twenty One

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*Austin's POV*
*later that night*

As the day went on Deni, Olivia, and Mom arrived. Now it was after sunset and we all sat around the fire Leo and I built.

I looked over at Liz. Katie was asleep in her arms and Liz smiled as she talked to her mom about memories from when we came here before. I smiled and looked around. Liz and her family made me so happy. I never felt out of place or unhappy when I was around them.

"Remember when Deni fell out of the boat and lost her bathing suit top?" Olivia said, laughing.

Deni laughed. "Oh my god! I forgot about that!"

I chuckled. And smiled at Liz. This was it. This was my place in the world. It was at Lizzy's side, with this family.

Liz reached over and took my hand. "What are you thinking about, baby?"

I kissed her hand. "Nothin."

She smiled and shook her head. "Okay, liar."

I smiled. "You look really cute with that baby in your arms. Like a mini mommy."

Her smile faded and she shifted Katie, then looked back at the fire.

"So, Austin and Elizabeth." Mom said. She smiled at me. "Are you two thinking about getting married?"

Lizzy chuckled. "Mom. We just got back together. Marriage is far from our minds."

"Speak for yourself." I said, squeezing her hand. "I bought you that promise ring for a reason."

She smiled and shook her head. "It'll be a few years before we get married, Mom."

"I always knew you two would get married." Olivia said.

Mom nodded and smiled. "Austin has always been apart of this family. I just can't wait to really be able to call you my son."

Mel stood up and sighed. "I'm beat. I'm gonna go to bed." She took Katie from Liz and kissed Liz's cheek and whispered something in her ear.

Liz smiled and nodded. "Trust me, I know."

As the night went on everyone went to bed one by one until it was just Liz and me. She stood up and came and sat on my lap. She smiled at me. "I love you, Aussy."

I smiled and patted her thigh. Her skin was soft and tan. "I love you, Lizzy."

Her eyes searched mine. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course." I said.

"I do want to have kids. But I'm afraid to adopt." She said.

I frowned. "Why?"

She looked away from me and shrugged. "What if I turn out like my mom?"

I shook my head. "Liz. Your mom's alcoholism had nothing to do with having kids."

She sighed and looked at me. "I know. I'm not talking about her drinking. She just..." She shrugged. "She wasn't a good mom."

"Liz. You and your mom are completely different people. You will never be like her." I said. I kissed her hand.

She caressed my face. "You'd make a great dad." She smiled. "You'd spoil them."

I smiled. "You got that right. And you'd be a great mommy."

She was quiet for a moment. Then she sighed. "Do you think it's too soon?"

"For what, baby?"

"To look into adoption. We just got back together." She said.

I shook my head. "I don't think so. We have a great life together. We live together. We love each other. We have money in the bank. I think it's perfect."

She smiled and looked around, then smiled bigger. "You know, the first time we talked about having a family was in this exact spot. When we were little."

I smiled. "Sounds like fate to me." I kissed her. "Now come on. Let's go bed."

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