Chapter Eighteen

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*Liz's POV*

"Baby?" I said, walking through the front door and dropping my purse on the floor. In my hand were the pictures of us from the weekend at the lake and the day at the ocean.

Austin sat on the couch, passed out. He snored loudly and his arm twitched.

I smiled and went over to him, sitting next to him and softly caressing his face. "Aussy, wake up."

He groaned and opened his eyes slowly, smiling and me and then leaning into me, nuzzling his face into my boobs.

I smiled and rubbed his back. "You feelin okay, baby?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

I patted his back. "Look what I found at my mom's house."

He sat up and took the pictures, smiling. "Oh my gosh." He looked at the one from the lake. "Look how big your boobs were even way back then."

I laughed and smacked his chest. "Look how cute we were."

He chuckled and then looked at the picture for awhile. Then he smiled. "We should go."

I sat back and crossed my legs. "Go where?"

He looked at me. "To the lake. We can go with your sisters and the kids. Take your mom."

I smiled. "Baby, the cottage is tiny. We wont all fit.

He put the pictures on the table. "We all fit before."

"Yeah but now theres Leo and Aly and Ray. And Olivia is gonna wanna bring Penny." I said.

He thought for a second. "Isn't there another cottage on the property?" He turned his body to face me.

I nodded. "Yeah but it's so old it's falling apart."

He sighed. "There's four bedrooms at the cottage?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay. Give Mel and Leo and the girls the biggest room. Liv and Penny a room, Mom a room, and Deni another. We can sleep in the living room." He said.

I thought for a second. "There's the attic. Theres a bed up there."

He smiled. "I forgot about the attic." He held my hand. "Remember when we used to sneak up there and kiss?"

I smiled. "Yeah." I kissed his hand. "This might actually work." I stood up. "I'm gonna call my mom."

He grabbed my hand. "Wait, don't you want your prize?"

I smiled. "What prize?"

He stood up and went over to the book shelf, pulling out a small pink box and handing it to me. "It was just something I seen and thought of you."

I smiled and opened it, my jaw dropping. I looked at him and he smiled. "Austin, how did you find this?"

He shrugged. "I was at a flea market with my dad. I saw it and it reminded me of the one you used to have."

I sat down on the coffee table and the lifted the beautiful necklace from the box. The gorgeous, teardrop emerald hung from a gold chain. It was exactly like the one my dad gave me when I was 10. I wore it everyday until I was 16. I took it off to take a shower and my mom stole it and sold it for beer money.

"I hope you like it." Austin said.

I ran my finger over the emerald. "Is it real?"

"Yeah." He said.

I smiled and looked at him. "Austin, I love it so much."

He smiled and came over, taking it from me and placing it around my neck, clasping it. "It looks great on you."

I stood up and kissed him. "You're amazing."

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