Chapter Fourteen

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*Austin's POV*
*later that day*

Lizzie had been at work for a few hours so I decided to go visit her. She worked When I walked in, her boss, George, was sitting at the counter. His gray hair was a mess and he rested his hands on his big beer belly.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Hey, George. How are you?"

He smiled. "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm great." I said, scanning the restaurant for Liz. I saw her standing by one of the back tables talking to some customers.

George nodded. "Go see your girl."

I smiled and went and sat at the bar of the small diner. After a minute or so Liz came walking by and smiled at me, going to the kitchen window and posting her tables order. She looked so good in her tight black dress pants and white dress shirt.

She walked back over to me and pulled her book and smiled. "What can I get you, handsome?"

I smiled. "Do you flirt with all your customers?"

"Only the famous ones." She said shrugging and leaning over the bar to kiss me.

I kissed her and picked up the menu, scanning over it. "Gimme to the Big George Special."

She wrote my order down. "Do you want an orange juice?"

"Sure." I said.

She nodded and went and put my order in and picked up her tables order, taking it to them and then coming back a few minutes later. She leaned over the counter and put her head down. "I'm so glad this is my last table."

I smiled. "Want me to stay and help you clean up?"

She kind of picked her head up. "I'll ask Georgie if you can." Then she stood straight up. "What'd you do today?"

I shrugged. "I went to the studio for a little, then I went to your mom's and helped her with some stuff. Now I'm here."

The cook rang the bell on his counter, telling Liz her order was up. Liz went and got my food and my drink and brought it to me. "I'll be right back." She said.

After a few minutes she came back and sent a busboy to clean the table. She smiled at me. "I'm gonna start cleaning up, baby. Finish eating."

I nodded and ate my food. As I ate the one other waiter and the cook left, followed my George. It was just Liz and I. When I finished my food I helped her finish the dishes and wipe down tables.

"What are we doing tonight?" Liz asked, throwing her rag in the bucket.

I shrugged and wiped down my last table. "I don't know. What do you wanna do?"

She picked up the bucket and walked to the counter. "I kinda wanna get drunk."

I followed her into the kitchen and I dumped the dirty water from the bucket and put it through the dishwasher. Liz stretched and yawned. I smiled and went over to her. "You look so sexy tonight by the way."

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. "You flirting isn't gonna give you a discount on that Big George Special."

I grinned and put my hands on her waist. "Well, if you flirt, maybe I'll give you the Big Austin Special, for free." I winked and squeezed her butt.

She laughed and kissed me. "For free?"

I nodded and kissed her neck. "Yeah."

She smiled. "I'll take three."

I laughed and picked her up, setting her on the counter.

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