Chapter Three

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I woke up the next morning in my own bed, Jon snoring next to me. I looked at him. He still exactly the way he did in high school. Messy blonde hair, big blue eyes, tan skin. He barely smiled and when he laughed it was soft and low. I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbow.

"Jonny." I said softly. "Jonny boy. It's time to get up."

He grumbled something and opened his eyes. "What?"

I sat up and got off the bed, standing up. "It's time to get up. We have to go to my mom's soon."

He nodded and got up, going into the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes for the day and went to the bathroom down the hall, peeing, brushing my teeth and taking a shower. When I was done I got dressed in a black maxi skirt, a white long sleeve shirt, and blow dried my hair, pulling it into a pony tail. I did my makeup and went back to my room. Jon sat on the bed dressed in ripped jeans, an orange polo full of stains from working on his car, and his Nike's.

"Babe, maybe you should get a little bit more dressed up? You know my mom likes us to be a little dressy for her family things."

He shrugged. "I look fine."

I nodded. "Okay." I slipped on my black flats and grabbed my purse and phone, walking downstairs. Jon followed me.

When I got downstairs Austin stood in the middle of the living room, squinting at his phone. I walked past him and patted his back. "Are you ready?"

Jon walked to the door and opened it. "I'll drive."

Austin nodded. "Your mom texted me and told me to tell you to bring soda."

"Okay." I said, looking him up and down. He wore dressier jeans, a white button up shirt, not tucked in, and his favorite gold watch. He looked really nice. I smiled. "Gettin dressed up for Deni?"

He smiled. "No. Your mom likes when we dress up." He walked to the door.

I followed the boys outside and got in the backseat. The boys say up front and talked about some sports game. I watched them. I loved Jon so much. But he just didn't try anymore. With anything. And it stressed me out.

"Liz, you and Austin run in the store and get soda and snacks so I don't have to find a parking spot." Jon said.

I looked up and realized we were in the grocery store parking lot. "Okay."

Austin and I got out and went into the store. I struggled to keep up Austin and his freakishly long legs. "Oh my gosh, slow down." I said, chuckling. "We're not in a rush."

He smiled and slowed down. "Sorry I forgot you're 2 foot tall."

I smacked him. "5'5. Dick."

He laughed and shook his head. "Shorty."

We walked through the aisles and grabbed chips and soda. Austin paid for everything and we went back to the car. By the time we got to my mom's I was so over the boy talk. I got out and walked into the house and smiled when I saw my two older sisters, Melinda and Olivia, sitting on the couch. Deni sat on the floor with Melinda's youngest daughter, Katie. She was a year old and cute as ever.

"Hey!" I said, going over and hugging everyone. I sat down in between Mel and Olivia.

"Where's your boys?" Deni asked.

I motioned to the door. "Outside still."

Katie wobbled over to me and rested her head on my lap. "Auntie! Hi!"

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Hi, Katie Bug."

The boys walked in with the chips and soda and went straight to the kitchen. Deni smiled at Austin. "God damn, he's so hot."

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