Chapter Twenty Six

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*Liz's POV*
*3 months later*

I laid in bed and looked at my wedding ring, smiling and watching it sparkle in the sunlight that streamed through the window. 3 months later and I still couldn't believe I was finally Mrs. Carlile.

The bedroom door opened and Austin peeked in. "Hello, Mrs. Carlile."

I smiled. "Hello, Mr. Carlile."

He came in the room and crawled on top of me. "Why are you looking at your ring? Are you wanting something bigger already?"

I nodded. "Yes. I want a huge diamond. Bigger than my head."

He smiled and nodded. "You got it, baby."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "So, husband, what are the plans for today?"

He kissed me. "Well, wife, I made plans to see an adoption agent."

I smiled. "You did?"

He nodded and smiled. "I did. One o'clock."

I kissed him. "It's getting real, baby."

He sat up and took his shirt off. "What do you mean?"

I kicked the blankets off my legs. "We're really doing this." I smiled. "We're married and we're gonna adopt a baby. We're like real adults now."

He chuckled. "Yeah we are." He got back on top of me and kissed me. "Now come here, Mrs. Carlile."

*Fews hours later*

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Carlile, my name is Ana Haythe. I'll be working your case." The young, petite, blonde said. She wore a navy blue dress and her long straight hair was pulled back in a pony tail.

I smiled. "Thank you for meeting with us, Ana."

She smiled and sat down behind her desk. "How long have you two been married?"

Austin reached over and took my hand. "3 months."

She raised her eyebrow and smiled. "And you're already trying to adopt?"

I nodded. "We've been together since we were very young." I looked at Austin and then back at Ana. "We found out when we were 16 that I can't have children."

She nodded. "That can be very devastating." She shifted through some folders and smiled. "I know that you're unaware, but your husband and I have been talking for a few months now."

I frowned and looked at Austin. He smiled real big and nodded. "It's true."

"Talking about what?" I asked.

Ana cleared her throat and I looked at her, she handed me a folder. "About your case. Austin wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. He explained your situation and everything to me. I took heart to your case. I had been in a similar situation so it hit very close to home."

I held the folder against my chest. "And?"

She smiled and nodded to Austin. He turned to me. "She worked extra hard to help us."

Ana stood up and walked around the desk and sat down on the edge. "There's a little boy, from France. He's 9 months old." She smiled. "He needs a new home."

I smiled and looked at Austin. "Did you see this already?"

He shook his head and moved his chair closer to mine. "No."

My heart was racing. "Is this really happening?"

He nodded and smiled. "Yes."

I smiled at Ana and looked down at the folder, opening it and finding a photo of the most beautiful baby boy. He had dark blonde hair, big brown eyes and chubby cheeks. I fell in love.

Austin took the picture and smiled. "He's perfect."

I looked at Ana. "What's his name?"

"Louis." She said.

I looked back at his picture. "Louis." I whispered.

Austin looked up. "Where's his parents?"

Ana placed her hands on her lap. "His mother was young. Only 14 when she gave birth. She couldn't care for him. So she gave him up." She sighed. "I was very sorry to hear that she passed away not too long after."

I frowned. "She passed away?"

Ana nodded. "Yes. Suicide."

I shook my head and looked back at the picture of that beautiful boy. "That's a shame."

Austin looked at the picture like it was made of gold. "How soon can we file our paperwork?"

Ana smiled real big. "Well, that's the good news I had for you." We both looked up at her. "I already put your paperwork through. And you've been accepted. Louis came come home with you within a month."

I gasped and smiled, jumping up and hugging her. "That's the most amazing news I've ever heard."

She laughed and patted my back. "There's just some more paperwork for you to fill out. We sign the final adoption papers, and you two are parents."

My eyes filled with tears and I turned and threw my arms around Austin. "We're gonna have a baby, Aussy!"

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