Chapter Thirty

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*Liz's POV*

Today was the day. We were bringing our son home.

We sat in Ana's office, waiting for Louis. Well, I sat. Austin paced around the room.

"Austin, relax." I said, smiling.

He looked at me. "How are you not dying of anticipation?"

I shrugged and held my hand out to him. "Come here, my love."

He came over to me and got down on his knees in front of me, holding my hands and looking up at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

I kissed his hands. "We've been waiting for this moment since we were 9 years old. Our son is gonna be here any second. I'm not anxious because this is perfect. I'm married to my soulmate and we get to bring home our son today." I smiled and he smiled too. "Austin, I'm so happy."

He kissed me and then we heard the door click open. Austin stood up faster than I've ever seen him move. I stood up and saw Ana standing there with the most beautiful baby in her arms.

I pushed Austin aside and went over to him. His dark blonde hair was sticking up and his chubby cheeks had sheet marks on them. He looked at me and, call me crazy, but I swore his eyes lit up.

"He just woke up from a nap." Ana said. She smiled. "Do you wanna hold him?"

I nodded and my eyes filled with tears. The whole work faded away and it was just me and Louis. I took him and smoothed his hair down, smiling at him. "Hi, Louis. I'm your momma."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Momma." He mumbled.

I hugged him and turned to Austin, my smile never leaving my face. "Did you hear that?"

He smiled. He was crying too. "It's fate, baby. He knows who you are." He looked at our son and smiled. "I'm your Daddy." Louis reached for Austin's hand and held his finger.

Ana put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Congratulations, Elizabeth." She nodded to Austin. "I'll give you guys sometime alone." She left the room.

I sat down and Louis sat on my lap. He looked at Austin and smiled then giggled, kicking his legs. I smiled and looked at Austin. "He's beautiful."

He nodded and held his hands out, taking Louis. Austin looked at him like he was made of gold. "I'm a dad." He whispered.

"He looks like you, baby." I said.

Louis looked at me and smiled, laughing and saying "Momma."

I stood up and Austin put his arm around me. "Let's take our son home, Liz."

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