Chapter Twenty

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*Liz's POV*

"Mommy's here!" Aly shouted, jumping up and down and pointing to Mel and Leo's car.

I stood up from tying Ray's shoe and waved to Mel. Leo parked the car and they got out.

I turned when I felt Austin's hand on my back. "Did you pack my razor?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It's in the side pocket."

He frowned. "I can't find it."

I looked at Mel. She had both the girls with her. "Mel! You got them?"

"Yeah, sweetie!" She said.

I took Austin's hand and led him back into the house and upstairs to the attic. "It's right here, baby." I said, reaching into our bag.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck. "I know. I just wanted to get you alone."

I smiled and turned around, kissing him. "Baby, Mel and Leo are here. We can't."

He smiled and moved my hair, kissing my neck and squeezing my butt. "Please, Lizzie." His hands went to the button on my pants and his lips went to my chest.

"Austin, you're crazy." I said.

"You make me this way." He said, smiling at me and then picking me up, setting me on the bed.

I glanced towards the door. "Okay. But it has to be quick."


I went downstairs before Austin, going to the kitchen where I heard Mel. She sat at the small round table, feeding Katie.

"Hey, sister." I said, going and hugging her and kissing Katie's head.

She smiled. "You look awful sweaty."

I smiled. "It's that after sex glow."

She chuckled. "I miss being young. I miss having crazy wild sex."

I sat down next to her and reached for Katie, taking her and bouncing her on my knee. "Mel, Katie is a year old and you're already pregnant again. You guys obviously have a lot of sex."

She smiled. "Not really. I'm just really fertile." She laughed. Before I got pregnant with the new baby, the last time we had sex was when we conceived Katie."

"Wow." I said. "You guys need date nights. I'll babysit."

She stood up and went over to the cupboard, taking out a glass and filling it with water. "Yeah right."

Austin came in and I smiled at him. His hair was a mess and I left a hickey on his neck. Mel smiled at him.

"Hey, Mel." He said, smiling and sitting down next to me.

"Hey." She said.

The back door opened and Aly came running in. "Uncle Austin!"


She went over to him and smiled. "Will you take me out on the boat?"

Mel went over to Aly and picked her up. "Give Uncle and Auntie some alone time. Spend some time with Mommy."

Aly smiled and wrapped her arms around Mel. "Okay, Mommy!"

I smiled at Austin. "Wanna go for a walk?"

He nodded and held his hand out. "Through the trails?"

I took his hand. "Duh."


*12 years old*

"Austin! Look!" I said, pointing to the lake. From where we stood in the woods you could see the blue water sparkling through the trees.

Austin came up behind me. His brown hair was long and poked in his eyes. "Let's walk over there and go swimming."

I looked at him and frowned. "Aussy, you cut yourself." I said, motioning to the cut in sleeve and the blood that stained his white shirt.

He looked at it. "Oh yeah. That happened when we climbed over that fallen tree." He smiled. "Don't worry, Lizzy. I'm okay."

I smiled and took my pink backpack off and set it on the ground, opening it. "You need a bandaid, Aussy."

I pulled a water bottle out and poured water on the cut, wiping it with the bottom of his shirt and placing a bandaid over it.

He smiled at me. "Thanks, Lizzy." He playfully nudged my arm. "Hey, you know you look really pretty today."

I smiled and blushed, glancing down at my black tank top and blue jeans. "You're crazy." I grabbed my backpack. "C'mon. Let's walk to the lake. It's hot and I wanna swim."

He took a step towards me and took my hand. "Okay. I'm gonna hold your hand. Just to make sure you don't get hurt."

I looked at him and smiled. "Okay." My heart beat fast and my belly was filled with butterflies. This was the beginning to some amazing.

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