Chapter Twelve

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*Liz's POV*

After a night filled with wine, dancing, and a very expensive dinner, Austin and I came home. We sat outside on the patio, both in a lounge chair. He sat with his back against the backrest, he long legs stretched out in front of him. I sat at the foot of the chair, between his legs.

"So what are you gonna do with this money?" Austin asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. I know I'm gonna put most of it away but I don't know what else I wanna do with it."

He nodded. "I think you should put most of it away and then take some it and just treat yourself. Go to the spa." He smiled. "Or go get your hair done. Your roots are showing."

I smiled and covered my roots with my hands. "Shutup. I know I look stupid."

He grabbed my hands and pulled me into his lap. "No. You look gorgeous. You should let your natural color grow out. It's really pretty."

I straddled his lap. "I thought you only likes brunettes?"

He shook his head. "You could have bright blue hair and I'd still love you." He smirked. "Just no blonde."

I smiled. "Deal."

His hands rested on my waist and he slipped them under my shirt, his hands running up my sides. "Your skin is so cold." He said.

I fixed a piece of his hair that was sticking up. "It's a little chilly."

He smiled. "Maybe that's because you're sitting outside in your underwear and a crew neck."

I smiled. "But I look cute."

"You do look cute." He said, kissing me. "You always do."

I kissed him and our eyes locked. A small smile pulled at his lips and he kissed me again. His hands slide down my body to my thighs and then slipped under my butt and pulled my body closer to his. My fingers tangled in his hair and his hands gripped my thighs, keeping me close to him. His tongue begged for entrance and I granted it. I felt him getting hard underneath me and I smiled. I pressed myself into him and felt him pushing his body back. I broke our kiss and kissed his neck, immediately finding his sweet spot and hearing a soft moan escape his lips. He grew harder by the second and he put his hand on my back, making my lift my body. He undid his pants and pulled out his now rock hard member. We looked at each other for a moment and then he kissed me. I felt his fingers slide up my thighs and he pulled my wet panties to the side. Then I felt him enter me, slow and softly. I moaned into his mouth and he moved his hips slowly, his breathing getting heavy and catching in his throat. I sat up and dropped my head back, closing my eyes and feeling every inch of him. Our bodies moved in perfect rhythm, fitting together perfectly. He held my hips and I put my hands over his, softly moaning his name. Everything felt perfect.

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