Chapter Twenty Five

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*Austin's POV*

Today was the day. I was marrying Lizzy today. For the short time she had, she planned a beautiful wedding. We decided to get married on her mom's property. Liz's sisters were in charge of decorations and they went above and beyond. The whole yard was covered in beautiful lights and white lace hanging from the trees. Pale pink rose petals were scattered everywhere. It was perfect.

I stood in my spot up front. Alan, Tall, and Leo stood by my side. My heart beat like crazy. I couldn't wait to see Liz.

Alan nudged me. "Relax, man."

The music started and I took a deep breath. This was it.

The patio doors opened and Liz and her mom stepped out. My heart almost stopped. Liz was breathtaking. Her dress was tight fitting, white lace with a pale pink ribbon around her waist. I smiled and she smiled back. The closer she got the more I wanted to just grab her and kiss her.

When they reached the alter I smiled bigger and took her hand. "You look amazing."

She smiled. "So do you."

As our preacher went on and on with the traditional stuff, I just stared at Lizzy. She was so gorgeous. Her big pouty lips were pink and her eye makeup was light and natural looking. She had that beautiful sparkle in her eyes. I held her hands and looked her up and down. She was stunning. Her dress hugged her curves perfectly.

"Aussy." She whispered.

I came out of my trance and looked at her. She was smiling and our guests giggled. "What?" I said, smiling.

"Vows, baby." She said.

I chuckled. "Oh, yeah."

Alan handed me my vows and I cleared my throat and smiled at Liz. "Elizabeth, you're my girl. My soulmate. I've known that since the day I met you." My eyes filled with tears and I smiled, taking a deep breath again. "When I'm with you, I'm just happy. And I promise that for every day forward, I will work so hard to make you as happy as you make me." She reached out and held my hand and smiled at me. She was crying too. I kissed her hand. "I met you when I was 9 years old. And even way back then, I knew that you were special." My voice got shaky and I chuckled. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at these things." Our guest chuckled and I grinned at Liz. I crumpled up the paper with my vows and threw it at Alan. "Bottom line, I love you. And I cannot wait to spend every day with you by my side."

She laughed and wiped my tears away. "It was beautiful, Aussy."

Our preacher smiled and nodded to Liz. She smiled and shook her head when Deni tried to hand her her vows. "Austin, we've been to hell and back together. And we always come out on top. You've been by my side through everything, even when I was mean or distant. You're my best friend in the whole world." She smiled bigger and blinked tears away. "We've been on so many adventures. We laugh and we dance and we love being together. How many people can say that after all this time?" She took my hands. "I can't wait for more adventures with you. I love you with everything in me, Aussy. I promise to never stop loving you."

I smiled and took the handkerchief out of my pocket, wiping her tears, careful to not smudge her makeup.

Our preacher smiled. "Can we have the rings?" Alan and Deni gave us our rings.

"Do you, Austin, take Elizabeth to be your lawfully wedded wife? Through sickness and health, till death do you part?"

I took her hand and slide the ring on her finger. "I do." I smiled at her.

"And do you, Elizabeth, take Austin, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Through sickness and health, till death do you part?"

She smiled real big and nodded, sliding the ring on my finger. "Of course I do."

"I now pronounce you, husband, and wife." He said. "You may now kiss the bride."

Our guests cheered and I grabbed Liz and pulled her to me, crashing my lips to her. This was it. Today I married my soulmate and became complete.

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