Chapter Twenty Three

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*Liz's POV*

A couple hours later I went upstairs to go to bed. I gave Austin time to cool off and now I just wanted to fall asleep in his arms.

I turned off all the lights and locked the front door and then went upstairs, going straight to Austin's room and trying to open the door. It was locked.

I frowned and tried it again. Locked. Then I got pissed off. He was seriously locking me out? I knocked on the door. "Austin?"


I banged on the door. "Asshole." I said, going to my room and slamming the door. I sat down on my bed and rolled my eyes. He was being a baby. I hated when he did this. It's always about what he wants. He never tried to understand my side. And now that I think about it, that was what broke us up all those years ago. He always did this to me.

I groaned and opened my nightstand drawer and dug through all the random stuff until I found his bedroom key.

"You wanna lock the door I'll just let myself in." I said, getting up and going across the hall to unlock his door.

The door swung open and I saw Austin digging through his dresser. He looked up at me and then went back to what he was doing.

I went and sat on his bed, leaning against the headboard. "Why are you mad at me right now?"

He sighed and slammed his dresser shut. "Where's my Mickey Mouse crew neck?"

I looked at him. "In the laundry."

He came and sat on the edge of the bed, far away from me. "I'm mad at you because I want to be a dad. And you won't even discuss the possibility of having a baby."

I sighed. "There is so possibility of me having a baby, Austin. I can't have kids. My body physically cannot do it." I felt tears well in my eyes. "And as far as adoption..." I shrugged. "Baby, we have to be married for that."

He wouldn't look at me. "Then let's get married."

I thought for a second and then moved over by him, resting my hand on his thigh. "Austin, I feel like maybe you're trying to makeup for all those years we weren't together."

He looked at me. "Yeah. Maybe." He shrugged and his face softened. He didn't look so angry anymore. "This is just something we've talked about since we were little kids. And I feel like you don't want it anymore."

I smiled and cupped his face. "Baby, I do want it. But it all comes with time. I want more than anything to start a family with you. But I want to be married first. You have a tour coming up soon. I don't wanna go run off tomorrow and get married and then have my husband leave me for months."

He frowned. "That's it, isn't it?" He shook his head. "That's why you don't want to have a baby."

I frowned. "What?"

He moved away from me. "You're afraid to have a baby because you're afraid I'm gonna leave like your dad did."

I looked away from him. And my hands dropped in my lap. "That's crossed my mind once or twice."

He took my hands. "Elizabeth Louise. I will never ever ever ever ever leave you." He made me look at him. "You're my world, Liz. I love you more than anything on this planet." He smiled. "This is the real deal, baby. You're my girl. I would never risk losing you."

I wrapped my arms around him. "Promise?"

"I pinky promise." He said, kissing me. "So you wanna get married?" He said.

I looked at him and smiled. "Romantic."

He chuckled. "I'll find a better way to propose. But let's get married. After I come home from tour. It'll give you sometime to plan. Then we'll get married."

I grinned. "And then I'll be stuck with you forever."

He smiled. "Got that right, baby girl." He kissed my hand. "Say you'll marry me."

"I'll marry you." I said, straddling his lap and kissing him.

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