Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Liz's POV*

When we got home my mind was still racing. In a month, we were gonna have a beautiful baby boy.

I walked through the front door behind Austin and kicked the door shut, jumping on Austin's back.

He chuckled. "What are doing?"

I kissed his cheek. "You're the most amazing guy in the world, you know that?"

He reached around and grabbed me, throwing me on the couch. "Why's that?" He smiled. "Because of my rocking body?"

I smiled and sat up. "Well that. But, for you do talk to Ana for so long and plan this all out. Austin, that's amazing."

Austin sat down next to me. "Can you believe it?" He smiled. "It's happening."

I smiled and reached into my purse, pulling out his picture and running my finger over his chubby pink cheeks. "He kinda looks like us."

Austin nodded. "Yeah. He does." He put his arm around me. "It's fate, baby girl."

"I can't wait to meet him." I said, leaning into him. "I've only seen his picture, and I already love him so much."

"I know, baby. I feel the same way." He said. "I'm gonna go call my dad, then we'll head over to your moms."


"So, newly weds, how's married life?" Leo asked, smiling at me.

We all sat around the dinner table at my moms. We were gonna break the news to them today.

I smiled. "Married life is amazing."

Austin nodded. "Yeah it is."

Mel smiled at Leo. "Remember when we were in the honeymoon phase?"

He grinned. "I'm still in it, baby." He said, kissing her.

Deni chuckled. "Yeah, obviously y'all are. Katie's a year old and you're already pregnant again."

Penny, Olivia's girlfriend, looked at me. "Are you guys trying for a baby?"

Austin smiled and took my hand. "Actually, that's something we wanted to talk to you guys about."

Olivia gasped and smiled. "You're pregnant!?"

I shook my head. "No. We're adopting a baby boy." I smiled.

The room got tense and Mom put her head down. "Sweetie.."

Mel got up and left the table. I frowned and looked at Leo. "Is she okay?"

Leo shook his head. "She's fine. Are you sure adoption is the best choice?"

Austin nodded. "Lizzy can't have kids. And we want a family, so we figured adoption would be the best course."

Penny smiled. "That might be good for you. And since you're adopted it will be easy for you to bond with him."

Everyone went completely silent and still. Mom covered her mouth and Olivia punched Penny in the leg.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Penny, I'm not adopted." I looked at my mom and she was crying. My heart stopped. "Right, Mom?" She didn't say anything. I looked at Olivia. "I'm not adopted."

Her eyes filled with tears and she looked down at her plate.

Leo looked at me. "Liz..."

I was getting upset. I looked back at my mom. "Mom. Tell them I'm not adopted."

She shook her head and wiped tears away. "I wish I could, baby."

I looked around. Even Austin had his head down. I blinked tears away. "You knew?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "Yeah. Your mom told me a few years ago."

I shook my head and tried to wrap my mind around this. After a few minutes of silence I stood up. "You can all go to hell." I said, turning around and running upstairs to my old bedroom.

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