ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 20

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Heeseung and the rest of the vampires were allowed to finally let go from being tied. K brought them to their tree house for a decent conversation.

K and Heeseung talked in the tree house while their friends stayed down the ground.

Hanbin had to stick with Taki and Niki given of how the three officials were giving him a deadly glare.

Taki wasn't bothered at all. He was happy to finally converse with Niki. He felt euphoric to talk to his long lost bestfriend.

"So you were already a lycan when we became friends. That's really cool!" Niki complimented making the other chuckle and blush a bit at the compliment.

"Well. What about you? You look pretty good as a vampire. I guess I could say we slay the looks!" Taki said as they both chuckled.

"Will you stop that? How long are you going to stare at them?" Jay scolded Jake as he kept noticing the vampire stealing glances at the wolves.

"I can't help it! Besides. It's not like they're not glaring at us too! I wouldn't be surprised at all if they're already murdering us in their heads." Jake scoffed and rolled his eyes. It eventually landed on the vampire couple making him regret immediately.

He quickly looked away before he can see more of the two making out.

"They were just quarreling at each other earlier!" Jake muttered and folded his arms.

"Why are you so sensitive today? Did you fight with Winter again?" Jay said but he was rather teasing Jake.

"Oh don't even start me with that girl! She's hard as a vibranium! I can't seem to understand her! It's like she changes every week!" Jake ranted and stomped his feet on the ground. "I totally deserve an award for lasting that sweetcake!"

"Jake. First! You two have been through a lot. Just think of how you can try to talk her out of it. And second, shebis jotna sweetcake! She's a total freaky hardcore." Jay advised as he chuckled earning a huff from the other.

"That's not it actually. She told me her parents was planning something for her. But she won't tell me what it is!" Jake whined and sat on his feet. He didn't care if the other wolves sees his childish little acts.

"Her parents? Didn't she ran away from them?" Jay asked.

"She had to go back home ever since we opened Hotel Volkswitch. You know her ego won't let her stay with Giselle or Sunoo." Jake explained.

"Really? I actually thought she's staying with Giselle." Jay said and laughed playfully.

"Aish! Forget it! I'm calling her asap!" Jake snapped and quickly stood up.

He fished out his phone and walked a little further to call his girlfriend.

Jay sighed and looked at the wolves. They were indeed glaring at them. So Jay simply raised a brow before diverting his gaze to the three younger boys who were already laughing with each other.

Are they really happy despite being different from each other?

Are they happy being friends despite being mortal enemies?

If the lycans and vampires unites... would we be just like this three???

Would we enjoy each other's company?