ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 28

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Jake hastily stood up and grabbed his enemy on the neck. Without hesitation, he buried his fangs on it charging a loud growl from the wolf.

The vampire teared out a flesh but didn't stop there. He repeated the same move until the wolf is surely dead.

He stood up with fresh blood dripping from his mouth. Keeping in mind to not drink it despite the temptation due to the blood's natural poisonous thing to them.

The vampire scanned the entire massacre in the forest with his blood red eyes. It's been like this for almost a day.

The sun did not show up and that's all thanks too Niki. And with the thought of the younger vampire, Jake remembered Heeseung's favor for him.

His friend and leader. Strictly asked him to try and watch over the younger vampire as much as he can.

And so Jake dashed and searched for Niki. He felt the slightest relief upon spotting him fighting along with two of his wolf friends; Hanbin and Taki.

He rejoined the fight pulling random Hexis wolf from a lycan and just attacked it.

It made him immersed to this battle. A few fragments of old memories somehow returning to him.

The memories from his human life. When he was joining his father on every battle he goes to.
He remembers the blood dripping from the sword he used to cut his victims. But now, sword isn't his main bestfriend to exile his enemies. It was now his sharp and lethal fangs.

It may seem small unlike his long and sharp sword.
But this fangs of him could kill more than a sword can try.

A loud screech interrupted Jake's train of thoughts. The scream is oddly familiar coming from the only she-vampire of their pack.

He quickly looked around and found Ningning being buried alive by the wolf.

Atleast she's not bitten!
He thought before rushing to help the girl. Sunghoon eventually appeared to help the girl.

Sunghoon jumped on the wolf, dragging it away from Ningning. While Jake helped the girl regain her footing.

They took a brief glance at Sunghoon only to see the Hexis wolf on his arm turning into a statue of ice.
The two approached it and effortlessly destroyed the ice before they all returned to join the others in the fight.

Meanwhile. Niki, Hanbin and Taki had been separated from the main fight. They chased after the wolves that tries to escape.

However, they failed to chase after them and got lost in the strange forest.

Taki and Hanbin shifted into their human form and stood alongside Niki. Their eyes drastically looking on all sides trying to remember which path they came from.

However the trees looked totally strange that they can't seem to recognize where they came from.

Niki worries that this might be the work of that sorcerer. And what worries him more is that there's only tree of them. Locked under the sorcerer's trap.

Niki wishes to call for Heeseung. But knows very well that it will only worry his leader.

Besides. If this is where he dies. He thought that this must be really the end and that fate brought him there.
The only thing he must worry now. Is how he can save two of his new friends.

"Aahhh!!!" Hanbin suddenly screamed and dropped on the ground. The two immediately rushed to him with a worried faces.

"Hanbin! What's wrong!?" Taki asked but the wolf only groaned with visible pain.