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Today marks the day of what the humans calls reunion.

After five months of trying to get better and all. Yeonjun decided to call out to everyone and invited them all to a small party. He figured he should meet up with them first for the last time. So to say his farewell that he may never meet up with any of them again because they only remind him of Beomgyu. As harsh as it sounds. But it was for the better.

The party is located in Yeonjun's old penthouse he had shared with Beomgyu when he was still alive.

Winter and Jake first arrived. Then Giselle and Sunoo.
Ningning and Sunghoon.
Hueningkai and Soobin.
And lastly Karina and Heeseung who just happen to meet again for the first time in five months in the elevator.

The mortals, aside from Winter of course noticed the many changes on the vampires.

Before, they look or seem a little human-y to their eyes. But not anymore. They are now no different from any typical vampire who have a dead aura with them.

It's like the last essence of life they have was taken when their friends died.

Too tragic.

But nevertheless. They still managed to not disappoint the party and enjoyed each other's company.

It so turned out that Winter and Jake had gotten married in private. She's still wasn't turned like them because she figured that Jake needed time to heal from the incident.

Among all the vampires. Jake showed the most improvement. He's very talkative when they talk to him like how they know him back then.
Then Sunghoon and Ningning. Although he only talk when Ningning beckons him to.

Unfortunately. Heeseung did not talk about where he went all this time. He would just briefly reply to all the questions to him and sometimes not at all.

The party lasted over night. They played games and drank a lot but not to the point where they'll all be wasted.

The next day. Yeonjun left to go to States to continue working for the CIA and secure the File 7. And a big possibility that they won't be seeing him ever again unless faith makes them.

Karina and Soobin too had returned to their own base camps.
Soobin allowed Hueningkai to stay with Giselle and Sunoo. He figured that Hueningkai must've wanted to help the two to get better and cheer them up.

Jake and Winter also made their farewell. Jake wasn't planning of staying in Hotel Volkswitch anymore because of obvious reasons. But he promised that he'll visit with his wife whenever they can.

Sunghoon and Ningning came back. So does Heeseung, but among the three. Heeseung leaves before nightfall and wanders the forest until dawn. He does it everyday.

Ningning had seen Heeseung visiting the Daoan Clan from time to time to talk with K. Just the two of them.

They first wanted to try to talk him out of it. But figured not to because it helps Heeseung to feel more lightweight. And besides, there isn't any harm between both leaders since they seem pretty close now.


"Hey! Can I help you with that?" Hueningkai asked upon entering the kitchen and found Sunoo starting to wash the dishes.

"Yeah sure!" Sunoo smiled and stepped on the side a bit to give space to Kai. The two eventually started right away.

"So how have you been? We didn't really talked much at the party last night." Said Hueningkai. He was being careful not to open a very sensitive topic and let Sunoo open up about it by his own will.