ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 31

195 19 4

Winter wondered why she couldn't take off her eyes on the music box.
Especially at the figures of a girl dressed as a commoner dancing with a prince.

The music coming from it did not help at all and it made her feel sad. To see two worlds together. But will never be accepted to be together.

The sound from the music box became more clear until she recognizes it coming from her back.

She turned around and saw a door. The girl opened the door and entered a hall that seemed like a ballroom.

Winter walked slowly while scanning the place. Until her eyes landed at the white dress she's wearing.

It's the same wedding gown she wore on her wedding.

She then turned to her left, and her heart jumped with so much joy when she saw the one and only love of her life. Playing the song she's been hearing from the music box earlier.

Winter slowly walked towards him and the vampire turned to her with a smile on his face. His red eyes didn't go unnoticed to her and it only made him look more dashing while wearing his prince clothing.

Jake stood up and walked towards her. The piano kept playing somehow magically. But Winter couldn't be more focused on that.

Instead, she locked her attention all to Jake.

The vampire offered his hand and she gladly accepted it.

The two danced in the ballroom along with the warm music that surrounds them.

Everything felt so warm and nostalgic to her. The sound of the music and their footsteps. All mixed in a beautiful harmony.

The warmth of Jake's presence despite his natural cold body. It all fits like a puzzle.

Winter couldn't ask for more. And she will leave everything behind just to stay in that moment.

But fate always finds a way.
To make sure that you don't get all the fun.

When Jake spinned her...
Everything disappeared just like that.

The warmness.
The music.
And even Jake himself.

Instead. The cold and lonely atmosphere surrounded her and it felt so suffocating.

Winter ran out of the ballroom to look for Jake only to bump to a man who claimed to be a duke.

"Your highness! We've been looking everywhere for you!" The duke exclaimed.

Winter isn't deaf, dumb or stupid.

Just hearing how she was addressed by the duke made her brain processed as quick as a snake slithering.

She is obviously in an illusion.
From Jake and the duke's clothes. The designs of the hallways and how the atmosphere quickly changed from the hotel to the ballroom.

It all fits. She's definitely travelled back in time when Jake was still a mortal.

But his eyes were red earlier.

Then again it was an illusion.

But if she did travelled back in time. That would mean that Jake is currently inlove with a commoner.

And the duke who addressed her as a royalty made her sure that she isn't that commoner who owes Jake's love at the moment.

"Your highness?" The duke called out to her seeing her suddenly dazing out.

Winter looked at him and suddenly screamed on his face.

"Where the f**k is that prick!!?" She screamed upon realizing that awful fact.