03_Simple Day

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I adjust my dark jeans as the loose bands ride low against my waist. 

Luke walks beside me, quietly slurping on his juice box as we shuffle through the crowd of high schoolers, hoping none of the shitty betas would notice us. Though the bullying had lessened since middle school, there was still Jack and his group of bullies that picked on the one or two rarely found omegas and the weaker betas.

Last year one of the assholes, Pete, poured juice on my project that I, with all the difficulties in the world, managed to finish at the last minute because I punched his ugly little nose for bullying Luke. But all of the sudden, in some mysterious way the guy was admitted to the hospital, which was weird but put us in peace because, disgustingly, the guy was obsessed with Luke which put me on guard 24/7.

I flinched out of my head when I heard a tiny gasp from beside me.

"We have different classes," Luke mumbled around his orange straw, his wide eyes glancing at me and his schedule.

"What? Really?" I plucked the paper from him. Wow, he has everything noted. I never bothered checking and almost would've slipped into some random class. 

"I hate meeting new people." His bottom lips unconsciously formed a pout.

"Well, thank God at least you told me. I was about to walk in with you, blindly."

"Oh God, never do that again, please. The last time that happened, I was mortified." His blue eyes gleaming playfully as he fake shivers.

I fight a smile as I roll my eyes at him, lightly shoving at his shoulders. "Stop being dramatic." 

He waves at me before stepping into his class as I begrudgingly turn back to find mine. 

The day passes with the same mundane routine that I forgot during the period of the summer holidays. 

Luke and I have our lunch at our usual place at the back of the canteen. We did have a few classes together which made my day better. 

At the end of the day, we get into our usual bus and get down at our bus stop from where our apartment was within a walkable distance. This was when we parted ways as Luke goes to the bakery owned by his mom where he does his part-time job until seven, which is cute if you ask me because Luke's mom is an Omega like us and since he's her only family she doesn't let him do much work. And I walk to the nearby bookstore where I did my part-time job.

Luke, although lived with his mom until middle school, decided to move in last year because he said he needed to be 'independent' but I knew it was actually because he didn't want me all alone in an unfamiliar place after I left the town orphanage.

His mom was an amazing woman and had insisted on taking me in but I knew that was not something I wanted. Even when she insisted on paying the rental fees, we straight away refused. She was the only person who showed me what having a mother felt like and sometimes that was enough to choke me up with emotions and guilt because I felt as though I didn't deserve her kindness and I mustn't take advantage of her. 

The bell rings as I push the glass door of the cozy little bookstore, open and instantly am greeted by Mrs. Adams' warm smile.

"Hey, honey! How was your day?" I instinctively smile back at the petite lady. She was an average beta woman in her forties who owned the store. She was married to another beta, Mr. Adams who would very often visit the store just to bring his wife her favorite white lilies which sat by the window in a vase. 

"Usual, Mrs. Adams. How about you? I heard the sales were pretty high during my leave."

"Oh yes, honey! You know it's the holiday season."

I freeze at the feeling of something rubbing against my feet and look down to see Mr. Fluff, Mrs. Adams' white cat stare back at me. Chuckling, I sit down to smother the white fluffy ball of cuteness with my kisses. 

"Did you miss me Mr. Fluff? Did you miss me?" I cooed, at which he mewled back at me, pulling at my raven strands. Mrs. Adams laughs in the background and goes back to her computer.

Then I stand up and carry the boxes of newly ordered books with Mr. Fluff on my trail and start making spaces for them at each of their bookshelf sections. 

I hum under my breath as I wait for the right time.


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