10_The Stranger

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I wake up feeling warm and cozy without any of my usual grumpiness.

My head was clear and my heart was content. It was an unusual feeling.

Then I notice the huge wall beside me and a small squeak escapes my lips as I instantly get on my knees and crawl back from the stranger.

It takes me a moment to recall last night's incident and immediately I want to smack myself.

What was I even thinking of, bringing this stranger in my bed? I didn't even ask him if he really was my mate or if such a thing even existed. What if he lies anyway? How did I trust him just like that? It must be the heat of the moment...I was emotional and stupid.

Now that my head's clear and I could make conscious decisions I take time studying the sleeping figure.

Last night in the dark I couldn't make out his features but now everything was crystal clear in the broad daylight.

I gulp as my eyes fall on his thick biceps and the veins that run through them till the ends of his long fingers. I've never seen a man this huge in my entire life.

He...he just seemed so strong and huge and I didn't wanna put a name on the emotions that this man erupted from me.

Finally, when I look up at him I realize that the lower half of his face was covered with a black cloth. I didn't wanna admit it but disappointment filled me at not being able to look at him completely.

I eye his sleeping form for a minute before my hands reach up to the cloth.

Maybe he won't notice if I just...move it slightly.

But before I could touch him, his strong fingers wrapped around my wrist and his eyes fell open, directly looking at me. My breath hitches and I remain frozen, not sure what I should be doing.

With no effort, he simply flips me around and my back hits the mattress as I stare back at him in shock.

"Had fun staring, mate?" His low morning voice rasps behind the cloth.

"I-I wasn't staring." I scoff, shooting him a glare. Who the fuck does he think he is?

He gives me a lazy look, still not quite awake," But your scent tells me a different story," and a tiny gasp leaves my lips and suddenly I'm painfully aware of my wet underwear.

His eyes creak at the corners as though he's laughing at me. And that makes me mad beyond limits.

"W-What? You can't do that..."

"You have no idea what I can do, flower." He whispers, his face so close to me as his fingers still grip my wrist, tracing soft patterns against my skin.

His eyes study my face as if he's been longing for that. But being on the receiving end of his intense stare only made me turn different shades of red.

I didn't know how long he simply stared at me. It made me feel weird shit and I started squirming under him.

I swallow hard as a wave of thrill shoots through me and in an instant he's not in front of me anymore. I sit up confused.

Did he just...disappear?

If it wasn't for my throbbing heart and wet underwear I would've thought it was all just a dream.


They finally talked...not really but yeah


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now