32_"Land Of Spells"

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Walking into the burial ground, we find quite a lot of alphas there. They didn't seem completely shaken by our presence and seemed to have known we'd arrive here but surprise still caught their expressions as though this was the first time they've encountered the presence of omega and maybe that was really the truth.

Some looked at us strangely while others looked curious but they all seemed to respect our space and didn't directly approach us or maybe it was simply because of Vlad leading us the way.

Luke and I take our turns to place the bouquet over the stone and move aside for the others to continue. We keep our distance as we stand there for a while before some begin to walk out of the place. 

As we stroll through the village, a wild rustling of the wind is heard which makes me and luke freeze on our feet but the others didn't seem fazed by it as they continued their way to their houses. Then I realized it was the sound of the enchanted screens opening as two unfamiliar alphas approach us.

"My king." the blond alpha answers as the bigger one with a scary face remains quiet beside him and only nods his head as acknowledgment. The blond alpha's eyes then fall on me as they widen dramatically and then it strikes me.

"You! Weren't you the guard, patrolling our school?"

He gasps," You remembered me your highness? Did you see that Dax, she remembered me!" the Dax guy only seemed done with blondie as he rolls his eyes. "You have no idea how much I wanted to approach you, your highness. But Dax is a dumbass and wouldn't let me."

"But you didn't look like an alpha," I question still confused by this whole situation. He looked like any other beta man which was why I hadn't paid any attention to any of these men.

"You're in the land of spells your highness, you should know by now. We got a few tricks up our sleeves too. But I can teach you-"

"My king, we need to talk." Dax rudely interrupts the excited alpha as he scowls back at him but nods along anyways.

Vlad straightens beside me and the tension in their posture suddenly felt different as he nods for the both of them to follow him. 

The blond alpha whispers 'Ivor' to me before running to catch up with them and I assume that's his name and weirdly enough I found him adorable and would like to get to know him better in this unknown place.

Now that my attention diverted from the two strangers, I notice that luke wasn't standing beside me anymore. In a moment of panic, my eyes wildly wander around to spot my best friend and I stop and look at the crowd of alphas, a few feet from me.

And to my surprise, my best friend seems to be the center of their attention.

I remain utterly speechless on my feet as I notice the tall bunch of girls and guys surround luke who was very much flustered by all the attention he was receiving. Then it struck me that these people might have never met an omega and it was only natural for them to want to be by the presence of one and maybe even court one.

None of these alphas dared approach me and some even feared me as I was their 'King's mate' but luke was an unmated omega and was much easier for them to converse with. Seeing him laugh and socialize with these people was strange and unfamiliar since he rarely did that back at school but people there were also not very kind to him so it was only natural for him to stay away. 

A smile quirks up my lips as I stand behind and watch my best friend revealing a side of him I've never witnessed and I secretly hoped for him to stay this happy forever.

"Silence." a sudden growl makes me jump back in surprise as the entire lively atmosphere dies down and the loud chattering immediately falls silent. My head snaps back to a frowning Kain," Back to the training field." and the crowd instantly scatters clear at the guttural command.

I frown at the huge man in front of me.

Why was he exceptionally being an asshole today?

His eyes lock on me," I would appreciate it if you don't bring strangers in here who distract my warriors, your highness."

My mouth gaped open at his crude words and I glance back at luke who fisted his hands beside him but remained unfazed those words clearly directed at him.


"I want to go back home, Lay." my eyes roamed back and forth between both the men and I decided maybe it was time for him to leave. He had seen and learned way too much in a single day. Going back to his safe place and thinking overall this might do him good.

But Kain was the one who takes me home so I didn't know how this would work.

"I'll ask Vlad-"

"I'll take him home, your highness." and all three of us look back at the new voice.

Oh. it was her. The redhead.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Erin." her lips pull up in a small smile and I'm instantly awed by her beauty.

Her gaze locks on my best friend," I'll make sure you return safely."

He didn't seem to think about it much before he nods his head and walks along with Erin and my attention is once more snatched by Kain huffing and strutting out of the scene.

And I stood there alone and confused at the whatever that just played in front of my eyes.


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