05_"That can't be true"

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My eyes blink open as the bright sun rays escape the blue curtains, waking me up from my beauty sleep.

A yawn leaves my lips as I stretch and lay on my bed, contemplating if I should go back to sleep or not. Then I realize it's Saturday and maybe for once, I should help Luke prepare breakfast. 

I almost tumbled down from the duvet tangled around my legs. As the minute's pass, I realize the weird sensation gripping my heart and the mild throb at my head. Huffing, I ignore it and go to the bathroom to do my morning routine and walk down the hall as I hear shuffling sounds.

Walking on my tippy toes, I notice Luke hovering over the coffee table. 

"Lukey?" I called out, wondering what was going on. 

He gasps and stumbles down on his knees as he looks at me as though he's seen a damn ghost.

Hey, I don't look that bad.

I give him a questioning glance, not sure if I should be offended by that look he's giving me.

"Y-you're up early." He mumbles still staying in front of the table.

"What are you doing?"



"Really! Go sleep or something!"

I narrow my eyes at him and step forward and he panics.

"Stop! S-stay there, Lay."

Now I'm sure.

"What are you hiding, Lukey?"

He squeaks as he jumps on me pushing me to the ground. 

The game's on then.

I grab his glasses because I know it annoys him and he immediately grumbles in annoyance making me snicker. Then he grabs the pillow from the couch, hitting me right on my head and I return the favor, all my morning grouchiness leaving me instantly. 

Lord, we're so dramatic. 

In the end, we both lay side by side, out of breath as we laugh at ourselves.

But I didn't forget my task as I quickly crawled up to the table only to see a large-sized, delicious-looking chocolate cake sitting with the candles '1' and '8' stuck in its side by side.

I hear him groan, looking ready to kill me for ruining whatever he planned but I was already choked up with emotions.

"You ruined my plans!" He cries, settling across me on the ground in front of the table. "Well, happy birthday anyway, I guess", he grumbled.

I giggle trying to prevent myself from bursting out in an embarrassing sob session as I pull him into a hug. It's when he does sweet stuff like this that I realize that I'm not alone in this world. Ugh, I wanna bite him.

Soon, he lit up the candles and ushered me to wish for something before blowing it out. I said it was lame but he smacked my head and grumbled some more so I complied. 

We spent the day as usual in our apartment as Luke used more of his bakery skills and spoiled me with more treats before saying this was the final. Liar. I knew he'd make me a thousand more if I asked. My bestie was a softie but I wouldn't take advantage of that.

The once mild throb in my head began to grow but I ignored it, not sure what to do about it.

I realized that the pain lessened at night but remained the same in the morning which made no sense. The rest of the weekend passed the same and the more the time passed, the more I was growing grumpy and snapped at everything. The headache was not helping at all.

The familiar bell rings as I push the glass doors open and walk-in.

"Happy birthday, honey. I'm sorry I couldn't wish you on the actual day", Mrs. Adams' soft voice greets me.

"It's okay, Mrs. Adams. Thank you", I smile momentarily, bringing me out of my moodiness.

As I walk out to the bookshelves, her voice calls me out, "You can take a day off, honey. I know it's difficult for you."

I snap back to look at her beaming face, completely flabbergasted. How did she know? 

"Pardon, Ma'am?" And her face turns confused.

"Oh, do you not feel the headache and mood swings, honey? I thought every omega did." 

"What do you mean 'every omega''?"

"Oh yes, I've had a few omega friends and it's usual for them to feel those symptoms on their eighteenth birthday", I still gawk at her, not sure how to react because I've never heard of it and it was unusual for omegas to undergo something like that. My mind buzzed with so many questions but I wasn't sure if she knew all the answers. The right answers.

"Don't worry, darling! It's nothing to be afraid of. It fades away after a while." Somehow that did not put me at ease but I nodded anyway and moved to the usual corner where I stay.

Then it clicks.

Headache, heartthrob, mood swings. I've read about it somewhere. 

Quickly, as if on autopilot mode my hands rush before my brain makes out what's happening and I pull out the familiar dusty old book and turn the familiar pages until my eyes fall upon the words I needed to see. 


That can't be true.


Layla: Well um *scratches neck awkwardly* do vote on your way out, it's pretty easy...and comment? Yes...please do that. Oh, and share the book with others...did I get that right?"

Author: *vigorously claps from the background*


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now