22_"Just Him And I"

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LAYLA | s e x u a l c o n t e n t

I'm almost convinced that I was making things up and probably dreaming.

There was no way he'd come to me after all these days. A week had passed or maybe more, I didn't care. 

But the strong frame standing across me and the familiar warmth engulfing me made me realize that he indeed was here.

The feeling of my heart coming alive and every nerve pulsing rapidly was intense, almost blissful. I wanted to soak in his warmth and bury myself in his scent.

My trembling form rushes forward, eyes locked onto his soft ones. The blue orbs held so much emotion that they choked me up. He extends his arms to invite me in but I had to do something before that.

So I lift my hand and slap him across his face as tears brim my eyes.

He staggered back, not because it hurt but because he was taken aback by my abrupt attack. 

"You left!" I sobbed, launching my small fists on his chest. They more likely hurt me than him but I didn't give a fuck at that moment and didn't pull back my punches.

He hisses slowly but lets me take my frustration out on him. "You fucking left! I-I...fuck you! How dare you?!" 

His fingers close around my wrists, pulling away from my numb fists and his arms wrap me in his warmth. He keeps muttering 'sorry baby' as I weep against him because neither of us knew how to deal with this situation. 

Consumed by the whirlpool of emotions in me, I pull away from his now wet shirt and slam my lips against his clothed ones.

I needed to feel him against me. I needed to know he was here. I needed the emptiness to go away.

My actions are hurried when I push the piece of cloth down and press my lips onto his. He doesn't stop me, rather holds me close against him by my waist. 

We both knew there was so much we had to talk about and there were so many questions and trust issues between us. But we also knew talking might push us apart further. It could take longer and we couldn't stand apart from each other anymore. 

The ache to be with our mate was so much that we momentarily forgot about everything around us.

It was just him and I.

The other times we've kissed were all soft and heartwarming but this? This was wild. 

Teeth clashing, tongues colliding, lips biting and hands roaming.

It was as though we couldn't stay away from each other because the longing was too much.

I began the kiss but he took over. His plump lips were wild against mine as his tongue danced inside my mouth. I whimpered as his hands moved over my ass, pressing our lower bodies together.

Small pants left my lips as he sucked on my lower lip making me moan. My hands feel his strong jaw and long neck down to his collar bones and muscular pecs.

Our bodies sway under the intense kiss and my legs hit the bed. The bed squeaks under our weight but his lips don't part away from mine. His tongue swipes over my mouth and rubs against my tongue and I was aroused like never before. My skin was heated and my insides tingled as I tried to close my legs together but his huge frame settled between my thighs prevented them. My sex throbbed and underwear stuck wet but I was far too into him to feel embarrassed about it.

He presses open-mouthed kisses down my neck and I bite my lips so I don't make any louder sounds. The tinge of the sting from his bites didn't seem to bother me as my head leaned back to let him more access. His roaming hands accidentally, or not, brushes against my tender breasts making me whimper. With his lips still on my skin, he looks at me and I nod shyly at his intense gaze. 

In mere seconds, my shirt is pushed over my chest and my bra is slipped off and I turn red under the scrutiny. My nipples tighten under his gaze and I instantly bring my hands to cover them but he holds them back over my head," Don't move."

I shudder at his low command and heat pools my stomach as my uncovered breast heaves from my heavy breathing. 

A silent scream of pleasure escapes my lips as his wet mouth encloses around my hard bud.

"V-Vlad! Feels w-weird." I moan around the sentence as a foreign sensation invades my mind. He groans lowly around my nipples and I whimper at the vibration. 

"So beautiful." He whispers, moving on to my other bud. My entire body trembles and my sex clenches in the air. "Sensitive just like a flower."

My mind was dazed, I couldn't think clearly and something tightened in me as his tongue flicked over my overstimulated nipples and teeth scratched slightly. My body arches against him and small moans escape me as my hips buck.

He growls," You would come just like this, wouldn't you, love?" His voice was unfamiliarly deep and gruff, sending shocks through my body. I immediately wanted to bare my neck in submission and let him do whatever he wanted with me and I was confused by the intense change.

"V-Vlad?" I call out in my small voice and immediately moan when his hips rub against me. 

"It's Viktor, love."


I have no idea how that was but hope u don't hate it...

And I have so much coming up, I'm excited!


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