36_"I'll do it."

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A lone sweat slides down my temple as I feel the beast within me pacing like he can't wait for me to lose control.

Along with Elder Anne, this was the fourth time we lost someone amongst us and the brewing tension in the pack only grew bigger as I felt everything closing in on me.

We are strong. We can do it. We were made for this.

The guttural voice inside me reassured me but I ignored him. Viktor was always insistent on how puny betas were and thought we were undefeatable but look where they led us. Perhaps years of careful planning and infiltrating the castle had made us powerful in some sense but they still had the weapon of technology and we only had our manpower.

Do not take me for a fool. He snarled back, making me roll my eyes. We can do it.

Yes, we could. My warriors knew the whereabouts of the alpha detector and anti-alpha radiators. They could easily destroy them in mere minutes and hold down that motherfucker for me to come and slit his throat but something remained unfitting.

The missing piece. The one puzzle that remained hidden from our eyes and kept them alive.

I knew it was a great risk stalling just because I had a hunch something was wrong there. But I didn't know what else to do.

Only a few of us were left and I couldn't afford to let any more alphas die because I was too rash and reckless with my planning.

A King must sacrifice a few for the greater good.

Well, I did not choose to be King! And that is never the kind of King I want to be. With that Viktor huffed and retreated into my head with his snout down and the tuft of tail tucked around him.

I shake my head turning back as Dax and Ivor approach me.

"We have renewed our spells, my king. Our men in the castle are alert and safe and new warriors are fully prepared to accompany us this time."

I nod at him and eye Kain as he tilts his head in agreement and moves away to keep the others occupied, providing the three of us with our privacy.

"About what I asked..."

"Yes, sir. We searched the perimeter just as you asked," Ivor answers. "Even the dungeons are handled by us."

"But nothing new or out of order has appeared, my king. Betas have forgotten our existence."

"No, they don't. Not the ones at the top."

"We'll look for more—"

"I'll do it." And my back tensed instinctively at the familiar voice as Dax and Ivor turned to look.

I pause for a moment before beginning in a soft tone,

"You didn't go home yet, flower? Have you stopped going to school?"

But my mate glared back at me instead, her pretty eyebrows furrowing.

Do not upset our omega.

Well, I'm trying!

Not good enough.

I huffed and began once again, "I know what I said must've troubled you but—"

"Don't you dare." Her eyebrows raised up her forehead. "I heard what you were talking about and I want you to listen to what I have to say."

My eyes instantly moved in search of Kain. He had one job!

"There's a place in the palace that I'm sure your alphas haven't managed to check out yet." With that she had all our attention right in her palms. "The Omega Sanctuary."

I turned to Dax who was occupied staring at my mate and my eyes widened in surprise. Dax had missed that?

I told you, you were an idiot. I mentally scoff at Viktor's smug tone.

"Don't look at them. The king—um, he—had built that place especially to help and aid omegas. No one knows of it. Hell, even omegas aren't aware of it. We used to volunteer on behalf of the school—"

"Yes. your school has connections with the royals."

And a sense of pride filled me as her determined eyes stared back at me for approval.

"Let me do it."


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Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now