25_"That Asshole"

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☛Layla forcefully marks Vladmir

☛She musters up a plan to revive their relationship

☛She decides to follow him through the forest (very foolish, but yeah)

☛Encounters a stranger and panics

Hopefully, you remember enough to continue, enjoy!


Do not freak out. Do not freak out. Do not-

Shit, I was already half close to having a panic attack.

I've done so much hard work to mask my scent and exhausted my ass off walking all this way. I will not let it waste away at this point.

I slowly do my breathing exercise and try to calm down.

"You should come out." I jump at the sudden voice bouncing through the forest. My breathing gets erratic as I freeze.

Surely he wasn't talking to me, right?

"Or should I come to get you?" The unfamiliar voice was indeed talking to me.

I peek out, trying to get a glance at the stranger.

I take in his unusually huge stance and strong aura as I realize this man was an Alpha. My breath hitches as I stare at him. I couldn't believe my eyes.

There's another Alpha. Vlad wasn't the only one.

But how? Does he know about this?

My mind buzzed with questions but I still had to deal with this stranger.

"My mate is an Alpha too, you know. He won't appreciate it if you hurt me." I muttered, still hiding behind the tree.

I know I just threatened the stranger but I had to take the chance. The man surely was strong but not as much as my alpha.

I take another peek at his straight face as I notice the slight twitch in his mouth as though he's gonna smile but that's all he does before he composes his face back.

"I'm sure he wouldn't, your highness. I apologize if I gave you such ideas."

And I stare at him as if he'd grown another head.

Why was he talking like that? And why does he look at me as though he's known me forever?

The question must be obvious on my face as he simply gives me a kind look," I'm Kain and I have orders not to let you past the boundary, your highness." His voice is soft as though he's explaining a child.

I glared at him in annoyance," Orders? From whom?"

"The K-...your Alpha."

"So he knows I'm here." He remains silent and awkward as I seethe in anger," He knew I was awake and knew I was roaming in this god-forsaken forest for Lord knows how long but he didn't bother to come to get me!"

I stomp past Kain before turning to glance at him," Are you going to lay your hands on me?"

"Of course not, your highness." He repulses away, the offense in his eyes being the first emotion I've seen in him.

"Then take me to that asshole."

He pauses looking at me before nodding, pointing in the opposite direction.


So I've decided to post every weekend...

How did y'all like this chapter?

It feels so gud to be back😁


Allure Of The Beast • Book I ✔ (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now